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Re: WJL - GROUP 3 13 года 4 мес. назад #29039

  • Jellefish
  • Jellefish аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 26
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It would be fine if you post English, this is a international tournament. -____-
NL - Jelle [JumpTek]
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Re: WJL - GROUP 3 13 года 4 мес. назад #29040

  • ShadyJ
  • ShadyJ аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
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^All (groups?) are reviewed today until midnight.

That´s what Google translate said. ;)
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 4 мес. назад от ShadyJ.
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Re: WJL - GROUP 3 13 года 4 мес. назад #29052

  • aka
  • aka аватар
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  • Gold JumpStyler
  • все просто - земля вращается, дети рождаются...
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Today will be all the results
understand is now ?:)
aka//Мазин Владислав Васильевич
Axioma Video Hive prod.
Skype: aka_life4you
ICQ: 566-133-262
Музыка существует не для того, чтобы спасти мир. Она существует для того,...
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Re: WJL - GROUP 3 13 года 4 мес. назад #29055

  • Jellefish
  • Jellefish аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 26
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Oh yeah that's fine, the problem was: I was on a chinese pc so all I translate is to chinese characters. XD
NL - Jelle [JumpTek]
Тема заблокирована.

Re: WJL - GROUP 3 13 года 4 мес. назад #29077

  • aka
  • aka аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Gold JumpStyler
  • все просто - земля вращается, дети рождаются...
  • Сообщений: 440
  • Спасибо получено: 33
  • Репутация: 32
Sorry for the delay in the judging:)
here are the results


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
dance technique at the intermediate level. Errors in the dance ( = )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
the complexity of the dance below the average.No complex elements and tricks ( - )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
dance is energichen and aggressive ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
a bit of himself not very good ( = )


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
good technique. Cool tricks ( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
dance above average! ( + )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
dance is very aggressive and energy ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
in bits got bad ( - )

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
техника танца потрясающая!ошибок небыло! ( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Высокая сложность программы!Абалденные спины! ( + )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Танец очень агрессивен и енергичен ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Пару битов пропустил, но ставлю ( + )

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Хорошая техника, крутые трюки.( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Хорошая программа, но можешь и лучше. ( + )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
агрессия на высоте ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
пропускал биты, и не один раз. Музыку не обыгрывал,И не понравился прыжок с лестница,не под музыку не под что. ( = )

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Есть над чем работать в технике, но не плохо и так ставлю ( = )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
сложность программы низкая ( - )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
хорошая агрессия и енергичность. чувствуется твое настреоние) ставлю ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
иногда в бит не попадал,а так все четко, молодец ( + )

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
dance technique above average. ( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
The complexity of the program is above average because of two spins. ( = )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
good aggressive in dance +
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
inbeat +

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
There are errors in the dance. Technology at the secondary level, but give you ( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
average programm ( = )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
good energy dance, but aggression is not strong ( = )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
inbeat +

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
technique is poor. Train more. There is an error ( - )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
easy program. No complex elements ( - )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
good energy, but agressive not strong ( = )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
inbeat +

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
отличная технкиа танца, ток вылеты на камеру были пару штук, но не щитаю их ( + )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
хорошая программа. все выполнено хорошо ( + )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
хорошая скорость агрессия и енергичность ( + )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
все четко в биты ( + )

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
awesome technique +
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
good programm , nice tricks +
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
good agressive +
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
inbeat +

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
average technique ( = )
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
very light programm ,but amazing spins ( = )
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
bad agressive and energy ( = )
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
inbeat ( + )


In the next stage are:

I congratulate the winners!
Those who did not pass, do not worry, you still have a chance to prove themselves.
Thank you for your attention
aka//Мазин Владислав Васильевич
Axioma Video Hive prod.
Skype: aka_life4you
ICQ: 566-133-262
Музыка существует не для того, чтобы спасти мир. Она существует для того,...
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