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ТЕМА: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29715

  • antonaif
  • antonaif аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 3
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Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29723

  • SoaringEagle001
  • SoaringEagle001 аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Junior JumpStyler
  • HardFree/OwnStyle
  • Сообщений: 43
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[SE] vs JoOr

SE] Паша Владимиров

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Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29750

  • Andre
  • Andre аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 17
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Andre vs Shkap

Andre - Германов Андрей
skype: JumpAndre
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29764

  • luketto
  • luketto аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 12
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Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29780

  • pappy~Jumper
  • pappy~Jumper аватар
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  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 116
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Pappy vs CHAKY

original - ifolder.com.ua/rmjmdqqicref.html
vk - vk.com/id170044003
YouTube - www.youtube.com/pappyJumper
skype - pappy_jumper
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29802

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
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FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29814

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
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FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29821

  • Shkap
  • Shkap аватар
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Shkap vs. Andre

3. Оригиналы: ifolder.ru/26954347
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29948

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
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  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Cost vs. DropWill


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal (нормальная техника но чем то сверх интересным не выделяется) +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
good spins and normal program! Хорошие спины за счет этого и сложность вполне неплохая ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Да и агрессия впринципе тебе не нужна и без нее хорошо смотришься ++/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Normal hit on bit, but not perfect! В некоторых моментах не попадал в бит + -

2,5/4 points! Good


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is bad. Работай над техникой, у тебя движения скучные и тяжелые, будто ты не прыгаешь , а валишься с ног! -
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Program is easy but... сделаны сложные элементы, но в целом легкая программа +/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! в этом показателе уступил сопернику +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Bad rhytm! Медленнее бита, вообщем ошибка! -

1/4 points! BAD:(

NEXT ROUND : COST Поздравляю

DROPWILL Спасибо за участие в лиге! У тебя есть возможность показать себя в RJSL в период дозаявки! Ждем тебя!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29949

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Luketto vs. Status

Luketto win! GL In 1/32 finals

BCZ STATUS READ RULES!! U cant width ur movie!!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29950

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Hoste vs. Crazy2J


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal (нормальная техника но чем то сверх интересным не выделяется) +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
good spins and normal program! качественное исполнение трюков, все на хорошем уровне ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Идеальная агрессия +
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Normal hit on bit, but not perfect!Все в бит приятно смотреть! +

3,25/4 points! Good


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal, but u have some mistakes. +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Program is easy, not hard spins +/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Sometimes offbeat,but good stuff! ++/-

2,25/4 points! Not Bad

NEXT ROUND : Hoste Поздравляю

CRAZY2J Thanks for ur nice movies! keep it up! You are good jumper , we waiting you in next leagues!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29951

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Andre vs. Shkap


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is bad (работай над техникой танец пока что никакой) -
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
easy programm! Легкая программа но видно старался +/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Ни агрессии ни энергии не смог наблюдать... +/--
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Normal hit on bit! Хорошее попадание в бит +

1,75/4 points! Bad :(


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is bad. Хорошая техника, но есть недочеты ++/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Good Programm! сделаны сложные элементы, и в целом неплохо,но не идеально ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Хорошая энергия! ++/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Good in beat! Хорошо попадал в бит! +

3,25/4 points! GOOD

NEXT ROUND : Shkap Поздравляю!! Удачи в 1\32

Andre Спасибо за участие в лиге! У тебя есть возможность показать себя в RJSL в период дозаявки! Ждем тебя!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.
Спасибо сказали: Andre

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29959

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Elemento vs. Ki


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
good spins and normal program! ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
sometimes offbeat!Все в бит приятно смотреть! +/-

2,25/4 points! Good


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal, but u have some mistakes. +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Program is easy, without spins and wtf? the end of dance? timing? -
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
In beat! +

2/4 points! Not Bad

NEXT ROUND : Elemento! GL in 1/32 finals

Ki, Thanks for ur nice movies! keep it up! You are good jumper , we waiting you in next leagues!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29962

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
Antonaif vs. FL45H3D


1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is basic, you must dance better , and use more nice tricks +/--
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
normal program! +/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! ++/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Sometimes offbeat! ++/-

2,25 Not Bad

(He give me original of movie(without wight) and i create results)
1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is basic, you must dance better , можешь лучше +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Program is normal, программа по луче чем у соперника ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Раньше агрессия была лучше +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
Sometimes offbeat,but good stuff! иногда не в бит ++/-

2,5/4 Not Bad

NEXT ROUND : FL45H3D! GL in 1/32 finals

Antonaif Thanks for ur nice movies! keep it up! You are good jumper , we waiting you in next leagues!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 4 мес. назад от badsz.
Тема заблокирована.

Re: 1/64 FINAL | 5th block | LINKS HERE 13 года 4 мес. назад #29963

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
  • Сообщений: 340
  • Спасибо получено: 27
  • Репутация: 38
CHAKY vs. Pappy

ТАКЖЕ КАК И ВЛАДУ -1 балл За растяжку!!ЧИТАЙ ПРАВИЛА!!

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is normal, but u can better, нормальная техника но не более +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
normal program!ничего сложного все нормально +/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! энергия есть но как таковой агрессии не увидел +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
In Beat! В бит +

2,5/4 -1 = 1,5/4 Bad!

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
Your technique is basic, you must dance better , можешь лучше +/-
2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
Program is normal, программа по лучше чем у соперника ++/-
3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
Your dance is not agression but your dance is energy! Агрессия не плохая но не более +/-
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)

1,75/4 points! Not Bad

NEXT ROUND : Pappy GL in 1/32 finals

CHAKY READ RULES! Thanks for ur nice movies! keep it up! You are good jumper , we waiting you in next leagues! Ждем тебя на до заявке в RJSL!
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Тема заблокирована.
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