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ТЕМА: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE

Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32141

  • aT34s
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Техника за мной, бит за мной
за ним агрессия и сложность
2 самых важных критерия за мной
Можно тайминг учесть, тайминг за мной.
Ateas - Бардуков Николай
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32158

  • Kruzi
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And now you know why people from other countries sometimes dont like russian... Xardas is one of the best jumpers of the world and Vano? he is good jumper but many times worst than Xardas..
Greeting.. I hope that some normal jugde will rate this battle again...
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32161

  • Harris
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Magix Lose?! haahhahahahahahaha "has hard program on spins. " ahahhahaha !
"saved good energy but agression is not good" BEst jumper in the world.... and he lose becouse he is Jumepr from Poland? hahahahah fucking jealous.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32169

  • Cyber
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хуевое судейство:D
Ксардас просто не мог проиграть:D
и скретч и атеас
Расстяжкой то и не пахнет:D
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 3 мес. назад от Cyber.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32180

  • BinosQ
  • BinosQ аватар
i write in polish because my english is bAd ;d

kurwa jak nie umiecie oceniać to po co robicie ligę. xardas jest na tą chwilę jest najlepszym jumperem na świecie i nie umiecie się pogodzić z tym że jest lepszy od jagra, scota, badsza i innych waszych pseudogwiazd. jakis idiota ocenia tą ligę. udowadniacie światu że boicie się nas. frajerzy.

moja ocena

vano - no dobrze skaczesz, jednak masz braki. nie skaczesz do muzyki
technika - 3/5
wrażenia/dynamika - 2/5
kreatywność - 3/5
taniec do muzyki - 2+/5

xardas - no twoja technika jest lepsza od kolegi. ładnie skaczesz do muzyki. twoim atutem są spiny. jak dodasz coś swojego to będziesz mistrzem.
technika - 4/5
wrażenia/dynamika - 4+/5
kreatywność - -4/5
taniec do muzyki - 5/5

vano - 10,5/20
xardas - 17,25/20

who win? ;d
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 3 мес. назад от BinosQ.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32191

  • Jumper_SAW
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даже плюсану к полякам =\
ничего не имею ни против Арди, ни против Вано
но эту пару лучше бы пересудили.
SAW - Тёма Смирнов
ICQ: 351 290 234
Skype: buduplus1pishite
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32205

  • HyperX
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Hello, I am HyperX, administrator of the Jumpstyle Polska Board and also a judge of polish jumpstyle leagues.

I am so sorry that I am writing in english, but I don't know russian - I hope you will understand me.
Respectfully to organisators and judges of this league, I must undermine competences of Ardi - the judge of international league. As you know, Xardas is called for a lot of jumpers in our jumpstyle society as one of the best jumpers in the world. There must be something true in it, but what exactly? He has a brilliant technique, unique style and his own tricks and moves what is very rare novadays in jumpstyle. On the other hand, I don't know why are you rating the agression in somebodys jumpstyle... Is it necessary? I think that it depends on the jumpers style - someone is jumping almost perfect without agression and someone else with it - that's not right to rate this. Despite the fact that this rates aren't helpful because of just a few words like good/bad technique etc. In my opinion there should be place in ratings for details, for arguments why the judge think so. Ok, that's enough for introduction.

Let's see the quotation of Ardis vote in this battle:Ardi пишет:
VanO vs Magic(Xardas)

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
VanO, nice technique
Magic(Xardas), good technique
Which is better? Nice or good, because I am not a clairvoyant or magician.
Ardi пишет:
4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
VanO, good beat
Magic(Xardas), good beat
Heh, that's so funny - Xardas is out of beat but not a lot of and VanO is completely out of beat "dancing" in the speed of hardcore, that's why for me that's point is funny and not professional.
Ardi пишет:

VanO - 2.5 points
Magic(Xardas)- 2 points
I think that the best comment for this is no comment.

Summing up, Xardas is very experienced jumper with brilliant technique, power, style and good feeling of rhythm. VanO is a jumper who hasn't got any feel of rhythm, "dancing" completely offbeat and flying through LCD in my computer not with as good technique as Xardas and 0:52-0:55 is something danced without technique.
In my opinion good jumper is someone who can dance well to the beat, with legs raised high, with an energy, with pretty amount of tricks but the most important is technique. When someone has got good technique, even simple tricks looks magic. Maybe I am not right, but that's my personal opinion.

Greets, HyperX.
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 3 мес. назад от HyperX.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32213

  • badsz
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I agree with polish jumpers and I think that xardas win . Friends wait we(organisators) just think about unfair judgement and tomorrow I think we put fair results. При всем уважении к Арди надо дать этот баттл более опытному судье
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32221

  • Jagr jumper
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So I think the object will not work!
a couple I take on myself!

Here, a tie that Vano that Xardas showed a very high level!

The complexity of the Dantz

There is definitely a victory for Xardas!
carried back by 3 and 2 and a half laps! it's worthy!
Vano has a very good set of tricks! But

The aggression and energy! Here's narrow win Vano!
he really showed himself to the ideal of the criteria in this!
Xardas stanueval not easy, but beautifully and skillfully!

Release to bits!
Vano minus big!
Xardas better hit your opponent!

Winner Xardas! Won with difficult programs, technology, and a good sense of music!
Jagr=Егор Куплинов
ICQ 429803856
Jagr Winner SJSL=)
Jagr Winner IJSL=)
Jagr Winner SIJL=)
Jagr Winner ISJL=)
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 3 мес. назад от Jagr jumper.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32224

  • Jagr jumper
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Но все ровно в будущем имеете ввиду!если он сильный ,это не значит что ему все дозволено!!!!
и имейте уважение к Вано!он дал отпор ему !!!и даст многим!

But all exactly in the future have in mind! If he is strong, it does not mean that he can do anything!!
and have respect for Vano! he rebuffed him! and will give many!
Thank you!
Jagr=Егор Куплинов
ICQ 429803856
Jagr Winner SJSL=)
Jagr Winner IJSL=)
Jagr Winner SIJL=)
Jagr Winner ISJL=)
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32227

  • HyperX
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badsz пишет:
I agree with polish jumpers and I think that xardas win . Friends wait we(organisators) just think about unfair judgement and tomorrow I think we put fair results. При всем уважении к Арди надо дать этот баттл более опытному судье

Thank you, russian brothers for quick but wise decision, for respecting posts of polish jumpers - you have shown that we are creating the community connected, not disconnected, with passion :)

I respect VanO, he is nice jumper, but not good enough to beat Xardas - that's why I posted so little about him.

Goodnight. ;)

PS: Sorry for quoting only badsz post - this is also to Jagr :)
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32229

  • Curse
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Ardi пишет:

1. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
CURSEBIRD, nice technique, but your have many mistakes on 0.33 - leg on the camera
0.49 - leg on the camera
0.53 - leg on the camera
0.54 - leg on the camera

ATEAS, good technique, but your have mistake on 1.13 - leg on the camera.

ATEAS +, because he has 1 mistake, and CURSEBIRD has 4 mistakes

2. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
CURSEBIRD, has hard program. +
ATEAS, has normal program, but your opponent has more hard program. -

3. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
CURSEBIRD, very powerful agression and energy. +
ATEAS, saved good energy but agression is not good. =

4. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
CURSEBIRD, sometimes your dance on beat
ATEAS, sometimes your dance on beat

CURSEBIRD - 2.5 points
ATEAS - 2 points

Next stage: CURSEBIRD

I understood. Thanks, I'll be better in the next stage. Greg saw this for me, but I didn't understand.

Ateas, don't try be the best with comments.DANCE !!!

I translated this page and a understood what you sayed what I didn't be better. Man, stop crying. In the life, sometimens win and sometimes lose ^^.

I don't want to do fights via web.

Последнее редактирование: 13 года 3 мес. назад от Curse.
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Re: 1/32 FINAL | 1st block | LINKS HERE 13 года 3 мес. назад #32243

  • Focus
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Stop discuss it! I'm(organizer) going to judge VanO & Xardas.

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