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World Summer JumpStyle League 2012!

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Re: SONIC PAIRS 1/64 FINALS 12 года 9 мес. назад #40056

  • LoPsta
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Pocha vs Lukas

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Re: SONIC PAIRS 1/64 FINALS 12 года 8 мес. назад #40133

  • TFino
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
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Where are the results?
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Re: SONIC PAIRS 1/64 FINALS 12 года 8 мес. назад #40166

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
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  • Silver JumpStyler
  • vk.com/badsz
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1/64 final .



Mat1 vs SilverStar

1. Technique. Mat1 you deserve it point , you should improve your technique but SilverStar have nice technique but no better than Mat1

2. Complexity and variety. Mat1 better variety than SilverStar

3. Aggression and Energy.Mat1 more aggressive than Silverstar

4. Feeling music. Both dancers have this point for me .

4:1 - go to the next stage - Mat1


MAJUMP vs Archangel

1. Technique. majump have more technique dancing

2. Complexity and variety.Both dancers have this

3. Aggression and Energy.good energy majump , Archangel , you should get close to the camera .

4. Feeling music. Archangel have better beat . Sorry Majump

3:2 - go to the next stage - Majump


Boss vs Stumz(no video!)

1. Technique. boss dale mas tecnica

2. Complexity and variety. sigue mejorando

3. Aggression and Energy. se mas agresivo

4. Feeling music. mejora tu beat mas!

4:0 - go to the next stage - Boss

esta liga es dura , dale caсa .

Pocha vs Lukas (no video)

1. Technique. good technique Pocha

2. Complexity and variety. very good combos

3. Aggression and Energy. very aggressive

4. Feeling music. good beat <3

4:0 - go to the next stage - Pocha

keep it up Pocha)


Scot vs StasoBallaz

1. Technique.Scot , great technique man , keep it up . Stasoballaz , good technique bro , but here scot have this point .

2. Complexity and variety. Scot , amazing steps ! very original , Stasoballaz bro really good combos , but here scot have this point .

3. Aggression and Energy. mmh for me both dancers have this point .

4. Feeling music.both dancers have this , scot great beat , Stasoballaz great beat <3

4:2 - go to the next stage - Scot

Sorry Stasoballaz you are a great dancer , keep it up and make new good movies .


Cruzial vs Dydixx(no video)

1. Technique. amazing technique Cruzial

2. Complexity and variety.good steps

3. Aggression and Energy. maybe you need be bore aggressive!

4. Feeling music.really good beat <3

4:0 - go to the next stage - Cruzial


Lev vs aka

1. Technique. Lev you should improve your technique , Aka , I say the same for you . DRAW

2. Complexity and variety. Lev you have more combos than aka

3. Aggression and Energy. Here Aka have more power

4. Feeling music.both dancers have it . Aka is better than Lev

1:2 - go to the next stage - aka

sorry Lev , Improve , train hard and make new jumpstyle movies for ever.

Te-fino vs Cyber

1. Technique. Te-fino , you have a good technique , but you must train hard , and Cyber , not bad technique but Te-Fino win you here.

2. Complexity and variety. Te-fino , good combos . Cyber , you need

more flexibility and fluidity in your combos .

3. Aggression and Energy. Te-fino have more aggression and energy than Cyber.

4. Feeling music. Both dancers have this

4:1 - go to the next stage - Te-fino
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 8 мес. назад от badsz.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Re: SONIC PAIRS 1/64 FINALS 12 года 8 мес. назад #40185

  • Lukas
  • Lukas аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
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i havent known where i need to post video...
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Re: SONIC PAIRS 1/64 FINALS 12 года 8 мес. назад #40198

  • BAATERS аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 27
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можно узнать почему я сначала выйграл, а потом проиграл?:D
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