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World Summer JumpStyle League 2012!

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ТЕМА: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012

Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40715

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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  • JumpStyle Noob
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  • Сообщений: 2805
  • Спасибо получено: 90
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SheVa Pairs:
Belir vs. Reysteal
Darkstar vs. Vanito
Kamilkadze vs. 2JuMpErZ

JW Pairs:
Inside vs. Nao
Mat1 vs. RaiderMusic
Effect vs. Zyto
Wiewior vs. F(ee)L

Yarche Pairs:
Spiady vs. Scot
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 8 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40717

  • Nigel
  • Nigel аватар
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Почему бадс не будет судить?
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40721

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
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  • vk.com/badsz
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«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40746

  • Ghor9999
  • Ghor9999 аватар
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  • Ghor9
  • Сообщений: 20
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CanAction пишет:
+1 к Сане
По видосу и так ясно,что он должен был выйграть,у Спайди я заметил дохуя выходов в камеру)
Какая речь вообще может быть о взятие техники?И у Сани были обыгрыши,у спайди я не заметил не одного обыгрыша
Я считаю,что лига вообще фэйловая,ибо иностранцев тащят пиздец!

Да да...:S
Ghor9 Копытов Александр
ICQ - 615766433
Skype: ghorik41
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40750

  • nao
  • nao аватар

I won't write in russian language because I am not very good at it.

As I understood from my knowledge (and a little bit from google translator), most of russian jumpers who fell out of this league... are just whiny bitches.

Most of you just overrate yourselves, I mean WHAT THE FUCK? It's russian league so only russian jumpers should pass?! Fuck no. You got spoiled by each other, get back on the ground.

Probably I'm dead in this league because of this comment but atleast I told what had to be told.

Joey wrote:

"самая фэйловая лига, Дима, только перед русскими опускаешься. "

Well joey, with all my respect - you're douchebag, Badsz is more experienced and probably 90% of all non-new-russian jumpers would agree with me that he made all the right decisions. It wasn't because he is AGAINST russian jumpers, it is because he knows WHO WERE JUMPING BETTER.

I think Yarche would agree too.

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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40759

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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nao пишет:

I won't write in russian language because I am not very good at it.

As I understood from my knowledge (and a little bit from google translator), most of russian jumpers who fell out of this league... are just whiny bitches.

Most of you just overrate yourselves, I mean WHAT THE FUCK? It's russian league so only russian jumpers should pass?! Fuck no. You got spoiled by each other, get back on the ground.

Probably I'm dead in this league because of this comment but atleast I told what had to be told.

Joey wrote:

"самая фэйловая лига, Дима, только перед русскими опускаешься. "

Well joey, with all my respect - you're douchebag, Badsz is more experienced and probably 90% of all non-new-russian jumpers would agree with me that he made all the right decisions. It wasn't because he is AGAINST russian jumpers, it is because he knows WHO WERE JUMPING BETTER.

I think Yarche would agree too.


Dear Nao,

thank you very much for your attention. It is interesting opinion.

So, my opinion...

1.I agree, that most of the jumpstylers are whiny bitches. But not only russian. Same situation in Poland, In Ukraine, Germany, France and so on. Seems, that you alse within all of them, maybe the biggest.

2. Yes, you are right, Badsz is more experienced and probably 90% of all non-new-russian jumper. But, my opinion is (and you know, i am very old jumpstyler and judge) that Evaluation of the movies "Spiady - Noise" by judge Badsz was not fair.

Ahh, something else. You are disqualified.
Inside - in the next stage.
Dear Inside, please, don't forget to upload your movie. Good Luck in 1/4, you have good chances to win first price 100$ :)

Thank you very much.
Your Yarche.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 8 мес. назад от Yarche.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40771

  • nao
  • nao аватар
Ahahah, as it is said "Russian is a friend for you as long as you don't say anything bad about him or his friends"

Well calling me whiny did not made any sense to me as I do not regret what I've said.

Good luck to my opponent Inside and Kamilkadze. Go for the win.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 8 мес. назад #40772

  • KamiLkadze
  • KamiLkadze аватар
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Dear Yarche , why you disqualified Nao? Beacause he expressed his own opinion? accept criticism Yarche..
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40773

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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  • JumpStyle Noob
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  • Сообщений: 2805
  • Спасибо получено: 90
  • Репутация: 73
KamiLkadze пишет:
Dear Yarche, why you disqualified Nao? Beacause he expressed his own opinion? accept criticism Yarche..

Dear KamiLkadze,

he asked me for an opinion, do not forget it, please, check it above.
I think Yarche would agree too.

Anyway, i will answer, just because here you can find many children's and schoolboy's eyes on web-site. And words "what the fuck" are not possible for using.

About criticism - are you kidding? It is jumpstyle, it is not job, it is not family, also it is not something interesting for me, it is just jumpstyle.
Anyway, good Luck, KamiLkadze, i hope you will show us your best skill. As i see your movies - you are very good jupstyler, and you have nice chances to win first price.

Dear Nao, if you want. Democracy - you can cry (it is your choice, as i see) everythere, if you want it, in skype, in facebook, vkontakte, everythere. But not here, please.

Guys, stop crying, please. Just dance. It is 100% best jumpstyle league, what i ever seen. Price pool, good judgement (with an answers, without a 3,75 stupid system), summer :)
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40774

  • nao
  • nao аватар
Dear Yarche, you don't get a point.

End of discussion.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40775

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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  • JumpStyle Noob
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  • Сообщений: 2805
  • Спасибо получено: 90
  • Репутация: 73
Thank you very much, Your Mightiness Nao.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/8 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40782

  • joey
  • joey аватар
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  • It's My LIFE!
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  • Репутация: 22
nao пишет:

I won't write in russian language because I am not very good at it.

As I understood from my knowledge (and a little bit from google translator), most of russian jumpers who fell out of this league... are just whiny bitches.

Most of you just overrate yourselves, I mean WHAT THE FUCK? It's russian league so only russian jumpers should pass?! Fuck no. You got spoiled by each other, get back on the ground.

Probably I'm dead in this league because of this comment but atleast I told what had to be told.

Joey wrote:

"самая фэйловая лига, Дима, только перед русскими опускаешься. "

Well joey, with all my respect - you're douchebag, Badsz is more experienced and probably 90% of all non-new-russian jumpers would agree with me that he made all the right decisions. It wasn't because he is AGAINST russian jumpers, it is because he knows WHO WERE JUMPING BETTER.

I think Yarche would agree too.

Nao, you do not know anything, it's only my opinion... I thought, you're good guy, but ... this league not honest(my opinion) this league for reputation for all countries...
Mishqa Pentin - Joey
icq : 369984739
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