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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40854

  • Yarche
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Final decision.

1. Technique.
Definitely, Scot - winner. Spiady, unfortunately you did more faults during dances.

2. Complexity, variety.
Easy for me. Both was good, Scot was better little bit based on more high quality spins. ++/- for Scot vs +/- for Spiadyhere.

3. Energetic.
It is also easy. Definitely, =.

4. Music.
Please, read my comments above. You both have big problems with a music feeling. Really, i don't understand why?!
You are very good dancers, but here... Yes, Spiady is better here, but among two bad dancers it is not right to choose winner.
Anyway, result in Music is ++/- for Spiady vs +/- for Scot here.

So, result. Technique. Complexity and variety little bit more good Scot. Music little bit more good Spiady.
Finally, Scot - winner.

Spiady, you are very good jumpstyler, u made great work during this league.
It is really hard to choose winner, but... Good Luck, mate! For me you one of the best jumpstylers.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40859

  • badsz
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«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40863

  • TSUNAMI аватар
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В фейсбуке уже обсирают лигу всей Францией :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
TSUNAMI - Юра Соболев
Skype : falschion
YouTube : youtube.com/Beat1nsideMe
Vk : vkontakte.ru/tsunami13
Facebook : Юра Соболев
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40865

  • BinosQ
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40866

  • Yarche
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BinosQ пишет:

Dear BinosQ, am i right, that you think that my opinion was not fair?
Hello, my name is Yaroslav, nickname in Jumpstyle - Yarche. I hope these words say you something. Thank you in advance. If you can not say something normal without caps-lock, please shut up and read detailed information about videomovies above. Spiade is very good jumpstyler, everyone know it, but judgement was really easy.
He loose 100%, no... 100000%. Nothing else.
Good Luck.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40867

  • Vix
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Hey, maybe FreZ come back to league ? xD
It's wayward league xd
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40868

  • BinosQ
  • BinosQ аватар
Judgement is not easy. I`m Judge of Jumpbattle at jumpstylepolska.pl - this is hard work. My opinion = Spiady win. Russian jumpers must always win with better jumpers than russian? It`s so ridiclous. Previous situation = Xardas vs Pappy. In russian only Samurai is very good jumper !! Rest is weak. (My english is bad :D)

Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от BinosQ.
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40870

  • KamiLkadze
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już , już .. koniec tego odpierdalania ..
i tak nic nie zdziałacie ...
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40871

  • Yarche
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BinosQ пишет:
Judgement is not easy. I`m Judge of Jumpbattle at jumpstylepolska.pl - this is hard work. My opinion = Spiady win. Russian jumpers must always win with better jumpers than russian? It`s so ridiclous. Previous situation = Xardas vs Pappy. In russian only Samurai is very good jumper !! Rest is weak. (My english is bad :D)


Dear BinosQ.
Hard work? Lol? Maybe for you it is, but not for me.
You can always write your opinion, But criterious above said: Scot is Winner, because of more good Technique. I don't know, what you did not check them, maybe you have problems with reading?

Also, please, stop write like schooboymonkey.
Just check this and shut up:
Rus - 3; Fra - 2; Pol - 5; Ukr - 2; Can - 1; Ita - 1; Lat - 2
How many jumpstylers from Russia? 16? 10? Just 3? Ok, so shut the fuck up, stop crying and go to your mommy. :)
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40872

  • reysteal
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Yarche watch better the videos...

1 - Technique : Spiady put hard combos and original tricks, tricks are more complex to be executed than scot's tricks -.- A man with 1 year of dance can do the same clip than scot !

Spiady is 10000x better here ! He repeat 0 movement or tricks, scot put 3spins in a clip and basic onwstyle tricks, you can do anything here !

3 - Energetic : Spiady put 3x more power than scot, scot dance like he were against a noob jumper, he is normal..
Spiady understand that he is against a big jumper, so he give nice energy !

4 - Scot is offbeat, spiady just sometimes..

Scot made bad video, he can win vs spiady but here no, spiady made great video because he was against an amazing jumper, but scot put 20% of his capacity >.<
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40873

  • Yarche
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Rey, steal, i am sorry, but you have wrote not right. Please, don't answer with emotions. Or we will stop talking. OK? Without emotions!

you can not write hard tricks or easy tricks in the criterie
[i]":1 - Technique : Spiady put hard combos and original tricks, tricks are more complex to be executed than scot's tricks -.- A man with 1 year of dance can do the same clip than scot !"
Please, understand. Here judge should write ONLY about technichal faults, not about complexity of the dance.
Check my evaluation above, like you did it.
Spiady is 10000x better here ! [/i]
10000x better? please, be fair. please, stop emotions, Ok? Then i will be able to talke to you about evaluation.
You know, i can close topic.

Energetic - one more time. you are not fair. Check one more time and write without emotions. I understand, thet you are also from France like Spiady, but please be fair and independent.

Music - i have wrote, that both of the dancers was not good. Really, you think, that my opinion is wrong?

Dear Colleagues, Please, discuss every movie without emotions, independent. Or we will close this discussion and topic. Stop talikning like small girls like "rusisna league - russian winner". We are not kids here, jsut check staticstic. 16 jumpstylers - just 3 are from Russia. Thank you in advance. You are welcome.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40874

  • reysteal
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Ok, without emotions.

But you understand what I want to say ?

Watch your judgment and the videos, Spiady is better here, just this !

Ok for the technique, but complexity and variety.. you can't say that Scot is better, his clip is so easy, basic tricks, spiady put original tricks, hard combos, new moves... 0 repeatitions, and scot put so much spins here, it's ugly a clip with 3 spins, we are ok ?
The energy, spiady give more energy, scot is "normal" dancing, right ?
Feeling music, I repeat : Scot is offbeat, spiady only sometimes offbeat
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40875

  • Yarche
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reysteal пишет:
Ok, without emotions.

But you understand what I want to say ?

Watch your judgment and the videos, Spiady is better here, just this !

Ok for the technique, but complexity and variety.. you can't say that Scot is better, his clip is so easy, basic tricks, spiady put original tricks, hard combos, new moves... 0 repeatitions, and scot put so much spins here, it's ugly a clip with 3 spins, we are ok ?
The energy, spiady give more energy, scot is "normal" dancing, right ?
Feeling music, I repeat : Scot is offbeat, spiady only sometimes offbeat

Man, it is really strange, that first of all you told us that Spiady is the winner in all of the criterious.

Now you are talking that Scot was better in technique. Seems that in the next answer you will apologize for all of your answers. Hm.
Be objective, it is all what i am asking for!

If you think, that you Spiady is winner - we can make really funny thing.
If you will go in the next stage - you can give your place to Spiady. It will be just one exception during this league. And we will see, can he win this league or no.

I have already answered above about "feeling music", that both of the dancers was bad. Not only Scot, also Spiady. 50% offbeat Spiady and 70% offbeat - Scot. Thatswhy - Spiady is winner for this criterie. Just here. Nothing else.

"The energy, spiady give more energy, scot is "normal" dancing, right ?"
Sure no, i know what is energy, i was hardjumper, u know it. It is totally shit, if you think, that Spiady was better here. = here. Nothing else.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40878

  • BinosQ
  • BinosQ аватар
To Yarche:

No. Scot not have good technique. Scot win because is your friend and Russian Jumper. Scot have offbeat jumping. Your judging is unfair. The judge should assess all the fights, not just one. You must change judges and judge system :)

Thus, in the finals will be someone from Russia :) Because Russian League = Russian Winner :)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от BinosQ.
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Re: YARCHE PAIRS 1/8 FINALS 12 года 7 мес. назад #40880

  • Yarche
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[i]Scot win because is your friend[/i]
Totally lol, he is from Moscow. And i hate this fucking town.
[i]No. Scot not have good technique.[/i]
Great! But he was more good than Spiady. Everyone can understand it. And above you can find words by Rey'steal, which has confirmed it.
[i]Because Russian League = Russian Winner :)[/i]
Hey, one more time. Check statistic, how many jumpstylers are from Russia? 3! Stop crying.
[i]Scot have offbeat jumping.[/i]
It is not my problem, that you can not check my evaluation. I have already wrote 3 times (!), that he has problems with a music feeling. What's wrong with you, can't find it, lol?
[i]Your judging is unfair.[/i]
Sure, maybe because:
You are welcome. Kiss my soviet union ass.
[i]The judge should assess all the fights, not just one.[/i]
I will judge also 1/2 and final battles. I am main organiser of this league and will evaluare videos, which i want.

Finally, guys, stop crying like little bitches. Jump for fun.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от adminv15.
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