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3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11519

  • KamiLkadze
  • KamiLkadze аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Junior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 43
  • Репутация: 2
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11536

  • Scarr
  • Scarr аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Junior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 37
  • Репутация: 0

Youtube link:
Raw Uneditted file link: www27.zippyshare.com/v/86440837/file.html
Scarr - Ernesto
Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11549

  • 8px
  • 8px аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 2
  • Репутация: 0

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11670

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
  • Не в сети
  • JumpStyle Noob
  • Не смотри!
  • Сообщений: 2805
  • Спасибо получено: 90
  • Репутация: 73
Короче, он мне ебал мозг в скайп сутки, я нихуя не понял, так как не парле францез, вот линк на его клип. Прогрузил он его 6-го числа на ютюбе, а поначалу даже еще в октябре. Видатьу французов что-то с головой.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11725

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
Results !!!

Power V.

ENERGiZOR,WictoR,Lyke - haven't video = disqalified !


1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 5/5

4) program complexity; 4/5

5) dance performance aggression; 3.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [45 seconds] 5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [25 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [27 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 3.5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [29 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4/5

4) program complexity; 4/5

5) dance performance aggression; 2.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 3/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 2.5/5

8) the total time of dance [37 seconds] 5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 3.5/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [24 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4.5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 3.5/5

4) program complexity; 3.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 3.5/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 2/5

8) the total time of dance [20 seconds] 3.5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 5/5

4) program complexity; 5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [21 seconds] 3.5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 5/5

4) program complexity; 5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3.5/5

8) the total time of dance [26 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4/5

4) program complexity; 4/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [21 seconds] 3.5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4/5

4) program complexity; 4/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 2.5/5

8) the total time of dance [33 seconds] 4.5/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 4.5/5

8) the total time of dance [25 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4.5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 5/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [25 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 3.5/5

4) program complexity; 3.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 3.5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 2/5

8) the total time of dance [25 seconds] 4/5


Pass in next stage :

1.Spiady 36/40 - 1st prevention for very long intro 40 sec.
2.Scarr 35.5/40
3.Eron 35/40
4 Kamilkadze 34,540
5.PowerV 3440
6.Holly 33/40
7.Sveva 32.5/40
8.Vendas 32/40

Thanks to : SlasH , 8PX , ScratHcY , D.s.FoX , Muhii , Ville for participate !

And good luck who pass this stage in next stages =)

FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11727

  • KamiLkadze
  • KamiLkadze аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Junior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 43
  • Репутация: 2
PowerV 34/40 ^.^
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11728

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
ok ,sorry !
it's my mistake , but on the next stage it hasn't any sence!

4 - Kamilkadze 34,540
5 - PowerV 3440
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

3 GROUP | LINKS HERE 14 года 4 мес. назад #11730

  • FeNiks
  • FeNiks аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 314
  • Спасибо получено: 3
  • Репутация: 3
Участники, не прошедшие этот групповой этап могут дозаявиться в Russian Jumpstyle League. Дозаявка будет проводиться с 14 числа в специально созданной теме. Участники, которые были дисквалифицированы из мировой лиги, могут также дозаявиться в Российскую лиги. (Только Россия и страны СНГ)
FeNiks - Андрей Вепрёв
ICQ - 378-596-051
Skype - darkfenus626

Даже самый великий путь имеет начало!
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
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Работает на Kunena форум


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Contact Person: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Kostrov Yaroslav
Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru

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