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Раздел правил New Skill Jumpstyle League 2011


RULES 13 года 7 мес. назад #21180

  • pappy~Jumper
  • pappy~Jumper аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 116
  • Спасибо получено: 6
  • Репутация: 2

Dance to your chosen track.
Accelerate the tracks can only be to check with your opponent, and the judge!
Establish the effects can be, only those that would be clearly visible movement.

At the beginning of the video - the logo after logo - intro (gritz, wish), then a solo (not less than 20 seconds)

Ball will be reduced for the removal of the video in a dark room. Videos can be shot both indoors and outdoors.
Posted movie after deadline disqualification, if нщг can't make movie in time, send message to judge.
A dancer without shoes - a disqualification.
As it is impossible to accelerate video ..

Stages of the league are
Group stage (1 solo)
1/x (2 solos )
FINAL (3 solos )

Sign the video as follows:
NSJL | Nickname | group n | round n |
NSJL | Nickname vs Nickname | 1 / n final | Jumpstylers.ru
vk - vk.com/id170044003
YouTube - www.youtube.com/pappyJumper
skype - pappy_jumper
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 6 мес. назад от pappy~Jumper.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Работает на Kunena форум


При использовании любых материалов с сайта JumpStylers.Ru указание ссылки на материал и ее автора обязательно.
Contact Person: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Kostrov Yaroslav
Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru

Шахматные книги и уроки шахмат на ChessKnigi.Ru и ChessDeti.Ru
