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Rules - Duo Division - World Jumpstyle League 2011/12.

ТЕМА: Criterios

Criterios 13 года 5 мес. назад #25384

  • Focus
  • Focus аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Platinum JumpStyler
  • Я просто няша ^__^
  • Сообщений: 731
  • Спасибо получено: 70
  • Репутация: 39
The main criteria which judges wil use forl judge the participants of this Jumpstyle league

Judge only the dance , not edit, not any other moments.
Since the division one, respectively, and the criteria are identical for all participants. Here is the criteria for judging:

1. Synchrony and coherence of the two parties together
2. The technique of the dance (you include all the elements and the tehnique , including the technique of the base)
3. The complexity of the dance (this includes not only the complexity of the ligaments, but also diversity)
4. Aggression and energy (doesn't need the description)
5. Feeling the music, rhythm, getting into the bits (doesn't need the description)
If your and your opponent have same score, it is criterion
6. Timing (time of the dance)
All criteria are equal! In addition to timing! This criterion is a spare!

judges Please judge on this pattern!

Thanks Colin for translate!

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