At 1/16 final (a knockout to system):
1. In a video file should be only 2 dance under 2 tracks, stipulated by you and your opponent in the given stage in advance.
2. Throughout these stages it is possible to use totally no more than 120 seconds on intro and otro in a clip (not including time which has been taken away for a logo of league).
That is if your first dance lasts 30 seconds, the second — 40 seconds, logo — 4 seconds duration of a roller can't exceed 30 + 120 + 40 + 4 = 194 seconds.
You can use any effects of the video editor with pieces of video which will enter into your clip, but aren't dance which will be necessary for estimating.
Since stages of knockout-system two opponents confer with each other concerning a choice of tracks for each dance. Here the full freedom in choosing is already given you. In a current of week after a toss-up of a stage you should inform the tracks chosen by you in a theme of the pair.
If you can not confer with your opponent. You can choose one from this tracks:
Dates 1/16 Final: 24-26 December (26 December is last day)(uploading files on rapidshare, youtube and e.t.c.) Judging: 26-30 December 1/8 Final Toss-up:30 December
1st block|Judge - Noise:
Ginger vs. Grees
Energy vs. JumperMel
LoPster vs. Ardi
Switak vs. Vanito
2rd block|Judge - Jagr:
Lyk4n vs. Noise
Joey vs. Davids
Woody vs. Viitiinhoo
3rd block|Judge - aka:
Badsz vs. Pappy
flashz vs. Hoste
LookAtMeOnly vs. Magic
4th block|Judge - Badsz:
Woren vs. BioUnit
Arhangel vs. Abzolute
GreatHard vs. DasHouse
5th block|Judge - Focus:
JW vs. Cost
Ateas vs. Sibo_O
Shkap vs. SAW
Good luck!
P.S. Судьи, будьте внимательны при судействе.
Последнее редактирование: 13 года 2 мес. назад от Focus.
13 года 1 мес. назад #33428
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Senior JumpStyler
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Репутация: 2
Уважаемые Орг Коммитет. Прошу дать мне 3-4 дня на снятие видео.
По причине болезни не было возможности снимать.В данный момент состояние стало нормализовываться.
Постараюсь за эти дни как можно быстрее снять и залить..С Уважением Energy
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