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ТЕМА: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012

Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40887

  • JWoolol
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Toss-Up - 1/4-Final of WSJL 2012
Жеребьевка 1/4-ой финала WSJL 2012

RULES: jumpstylers.ru/forum/154-wsjl-2012-rules.html
Offical Logo: jumpstylers.ru/jumpstyle_league_video/1190-wsjl-logo-2012.html
Dates: 6-14 of August (uploading files on rapidshare, youtube and e.t.c.)
JUDGES: 15 of August
Toss-up 1/2 finals: 16 of August
1/2 finals: 17-25 of August
Topics for the movies - SOON
Nr of Dances: 2 solo

IMPORTANT (w/o concessions this time):

********** | http://jumpstylers.ru/

********** | Jumpstylers.Ru

, where ********** - free name, but it is necessary to have a link to the web-ste in the name of your movie.

Free, which you want, but 1st word of the description of your movie should be:

You must follow the rules. If you will not do this , unfortunately, we'll have to disqualify you.

Yarche Pairs:

KamiLkadze Vs. Effect

JW Pairs:
Belir Vs. Wiewior
Vanito Vs. Inside

SheVa Pairs:
Scot Vs. RaiderMusic

GL TO ALL JUMPERS!! YOU CAN PUT MOVIES IN TOPICS NAMED, "Your judges PAIRS" for example Vanito must put him movie in "JW PAIRS 1/4 FINALS" topic
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от adminv15.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40888

  • SheVa
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Простите меня за то что неуспевал рассудить прошлый этап... Был в Украине последние дни и думал успею отсудить, но нет... Потом в Киеве на всеукраинке был без интернета, только сегодня домой прилетел!
Дальше всё будет вовремя ;)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40889

  • reysteal
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You can judge your pair now sheva ? :D

Because at start of the league there was 11 judges, now Yarche judge what he want, league was good at start, now it's anarchy.. People do what they want, jumpstylers don't have explanations, WTF ?
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40890

  • JumperMatt
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Yarche wtf are doing whit this league? 1 month ago i was so sad because i wanted to partecipate at this amazing league.. Now? now i can say FAIL LEAGUE... What means that you are Yarche? because you are Yarche your opinion is better? LOOOOOOL if you were a good judges in 1/4 finlas had to go Rey Steal and Spiady... Omg scot winner? I'm a fan of Scot and he is one of first jumpers that inspire me to dancing but not this time.. Spidy danced better for originality, technique, more onbeat and maybe energetic.. and rey? rey steal too.. this comment will not make to change your mind but serves to make you understand that you are a disgrace with these ratings..

bye, Matt
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40891

  • Yarche
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Dear Matt.

You can find explanation about video Spiady vs Scot in the another topic. I was judge of this pair, i have big experience, it is my decision, it is my opinion. Yes, it was hard battle for the evaluation, but for me - he loose. Haters can continue cry.

According to pair Belir vs Reysteal. This time Belir was 100% better.
I can understand, that Reysteal has many fans. But!!! - name is nothing for me. Judgement should be independent. And at this moment, as we have have seen during the movies of the both dancers, Belir is better than Reysteal. It was easy battle for the evaluation.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40892

  • reysteal
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You have experience ? and what about experience in glasses ?

You don't understand that 90% of jumpstylers are against your judgment, so your opinion is maybe not as good as you think...
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40893

  • Yarche
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reysteal пишет:
You have experience ? and what about experience in glasses ?

You don't understand that 90% of jumpstylers are against your judgment, so your opinion is maybe not as good as you think...

only your fans againts judgement. and fans of your opponent are againts you.
stop crying and open your eyes. or u gonna be conceited human.
u forgot previous stages, when same situations was againt russian, hungarian, italian jumpstylers.
so, go down from the heaven. u loose ur battle, Belir was more better than u. accept it, you are not a girl.

some comments from youtube:
Belir is ukrainian,and in this battle his movie totally better!
JumperReed в ответ на JumperSkipy 9 мин. назад
wao it's so Awesome for me you win this hard battle , good luck very very nice movie ! :D Like & Fav
Speeeg [HSA]
SpeegHSA 3 дн. назад
and so on.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40894

  • Yarche
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if you want you can ask for Sheva's opinion this topic.
and we will waiting for it.

but result of your pair will be same, be sure.
and if he will confirm my judgement - u will need to apologize. don't forget about it.

u had technical faults. your opponent - no. everyone can check it.
u had problems with music feeling, ur opponent also.
energetic =.
complexity - ur opponent was little bit more interesting. just check examples in the valuation.

it is easy!

Dear Sheva, please put your comments here, if you will have a time for it.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40895

  • JWoolol
  • JWoolol аватар
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Mans...what that fuck????
Belir winner...all honestly!
Rey, you can better, but you did not try!
Belir - amazing beginner jumpstyler
in this video beside it dance was on criterias better
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40896

  • 2JuMpErZ
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can i ask the difference between energetic and aggression? =) thanks
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40899

  • SheVa
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My oppinion it's some similar with Yarche...
Rey vs Belir, technique some better to Belir, this saw many jumpers and know it, both have hard programs! Maybe in complexy some more hard Rey, solos of Belir was similar, but agression in my oppinion was better Belir... Music both not bad. 2-1 Belir just some really better... Rey you can better! You know that this is battle was really hard! In 1/16 I lose Belir too, in beggining I didn't agree with judgment but after few days I understand that this man is amazing jumper.
Don't be sad it's only league, and it's not prefer by RUSSIA, this battle France vs Ukraine :)

About Scot vs Spiady, I don't know... In start I am not was a judge of this battle and my oppinion is nothing here :)

Jumpstyle how dance must connect people! Not starting wars abouts leagues decisions :)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от SheVa.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40903

  • BinosQ
  • BinosQ аватар
All judges should judging all battles - Yarche you not better judge than Sheva or JW. There is a judge who assesses the better. But the way - league is FAKE :) Thx :)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/4 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #40904

  • Yarche
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BinosQ, for some monkeys like you every league will be fake. It is axioma. You are also not good judge... Ahh, i forgot, you are god and your opinion is most important for all of us.

I close this topic, cuz it is really stupid to continue talking to schoolboys like BinosQ who can not open his eyes and check evaluations above.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от adminv15.
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