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World Summer JumpStyle League 2012!

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ТЕМА: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012

Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41174

  • I3eLiR
  • I3eLiR аватар
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BeliR vs Effect

Организаторы, большое спасибо.
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от I3eLiR.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41179

  • Yarche
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We kindly ask you to upload original movie to any hosting. Then we will decide, is it because of youtube or not.
We are waiting for the originals.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41180

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Pair RaiderMusic VS Vanito
1st judge.

1. Complexity and Variety.
Vanito was more good here than his opponent. More interesting and difficult tricks. RaiderMusic, you need to add some cool moves or spins into your dances. Then you will be really great dancer.
Vanito - winner.

2. Technique.
Both of the opponents made some faults, bit and small, like RaiderMusic in the end of the second dance and Vanito in the end of the second dance.
Draw will be fair here. =

3. Energy.
RaiderMusic, at the start of the both of the dances is really good accordng to energetic. But by degrees to the end energy decreases.
Vanito, normal level of the energy, but you can be more good here.
I think, RaiderMusic is little bit more good here.

4. Music feeling.
RaiderMusic, mate, during the first dance you use really easy track with a "clear kick", but about 85% of the moves during the first dance was offbeat (not in the kicks). 2nd dance (2nd track) was nice. I asked you to upload originals...
Vanito, thanks for the originals, i downloaded them, you have some problems with music feeling, when you made spins and difficult tricks like 2 jumps on 1 : 18 and 1 : 19. Otherway you made rushes and basic moves in the beat.
Draw here.

Vanito was more good in criteriues: complexity.
RaiderMusic was little bit more good in: energy.
I think, Vanito win here, because of the more interesting and difficult dances. All we know, that it is more harder to dance with hard tricks and interesing moves than with standard tricks.
So, for me Vanito is winner here.
RaiderMusic, you are really good dancer, you easy win on the previous stage, you made great movies during the league.

And now we are waiting for the evaluation by other judges.
Dear JW, dear Sheva, put your decisions below.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 7 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41183

  • I3eLiR
  • I3eLiR аватар
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Yarche пишет:

We kindly ask you to upload original movie to any hosting. Then we will decide, is it because of youtube or not.
We are waiting for the originals.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41185

  • JWoolol
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Vanito Vs. RaiderMusic
Both of the opponents made some faults, bit and small
2. Complexity and Variety.
Vanito have amazing tricks and hight Complexity
Raider have not bad tricks.
3. Energy
Both jumpstylers have very good energy, Raider, nice start! Vanito, niceenergi in our dance but you can batter, mans!
4. Feeling music
Hmmmm...RaiderMusic, you have awesome feeling music, but you not it is correct this use, you lose bits!
Vanito, you can better, because you dance not quite in bit.
1:0 - WINNER VANITO, RaiderMusic, don't worry bro, you great jumpstyler!
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 7 мес. назад #41186

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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So, pair Vanito Vs. RaiderMusic, 2 judges decide that Vanito is winner. 2:0
Vanito - in the next stage,
RaiderMusic, thank you very much for great movies.

Today in the night or in the evening next pair.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41195

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Pair BeliR VS Effect
1st judge.

1. Complexity and Variety.
Seems, that you both don't added somthing interesting from the previous stage. My opinion, that BeliR was little bit more interesting here (runs in the beat, interesting elements from breakdance like on 0 : 58 and on 1 : 28 + 1 : 10 start).
BeliR - winner. 0,5 - 0

2. Technique.
Both of the opponents = without faults. Effect, it seems, that you made 2 faults in the sping in the end of the both of the dances. But you edit your movie in the dark. Ok.
Draw will be fair here. = 0 - 0

3. Energy.
Effect, you made your dances really fast with nice energy, but i don't see here good agreesion. And otherwat seems, that Belir show us little bit more agression.
BeliR - winner. 0,5 - 0

4. Music feeling.
Thank you very much for the originals of the movies.
BeliR - winner here, because of 1 : 23, 1 : 32, 1 : 39.
1 - 0

Summary - BeliR (2) bs Effect (0).
So, for me BeliR is winner here.
Effect, you are really good dancer, you made great movies during the league.

And now we are waiting for the evaluation by other judges.
Dear JW, dear Sheva, put your decisions below.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41196

  • Effectt
  • Effectt аватар
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  • Сообщений: 15
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Yarche пишет:
Pair BeliR VS Effect
1st judge.

1. Complexity and Variety.
Seems, that you both don't added somthing interesting from the previous stage. My opinion, that BeliR was little bit more interesting here (runs in the beat, interesting elements from breakdance like on 0 : 58 and on 1 : 28 + 1 : 10 start).
BeliR - winner. 0,5 - 0

2. Technique.
Both of the opponents = without faults. Effect, it seems, that you made 2 faults in the sping in the end of the both of the dances. But you edit your movie in the dark. Ok.
Draw will be fair here. = 0 - 0

3. Energy.
Effect, you made your dances really fast with nice energy, but i don't see here good agreesion. And otherwat seems, that Belir show us little bit more agression.
BeliR - winner. 0,5 - 0

4. Music feeling.
Thank you very much for the originals of the movies.
BeliR - winner here, because of 1 : 23, 1 : 32, 1 : 39.
1 - 0

Summary - BeliR (2) bs Effect (0).
So, for me BeliR is winner here.
Effect, you are really good dancer, you made great movies during the league.

And now we are waiting for the evaluation by other judges.
Dear JW, dear Sheva, put your decisions below.
Break dance is not jumpstyle and we should not use this tricks :) but it's only my opionion :D
If you rating like that take care about Widing movie = more technic ^^
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от Effectt.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41197

  • KamiLkadze
  • KamiLkadze аватар
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41198

  • Gvazde
  • Gvazde аватар
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Russian failed jumpstyle league Final - Russia vs Ukraine... And 100% that will be won by Russian.. Thanks for best league ever, judges :)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41199

  • JumperMatt
  • JumperMatt аватар
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no words
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41200

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Dear Jumpstylers,
above you can find just my opinion.
Please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.
What is your problems?
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41201

  • Effectt
  • Effectt аватар
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  • Сообщений: 15
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Yarche пишет:
Dear Jumpstylers,
above you can find just my opinion.
Please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.
What is your problems?
You told "BeliR" wins ,so another judge will told like that :). It's simply like Domino day
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41202

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Effectt пишет:
Break dance is not jumpstyle and we should not use this tricks :) but it's only my opionion :D
If you rating like that take care about Widing movie = more technic ^^

All we know that breakdance is not jumpstyle, but also we should add somthing interesting to the jumpstyle. Without it this style of harddance will die soon. And according to my opinion, you did not added something cool into the dances. And your opponent - yes, like in the examples above.
What do you mean by "widing movie", please describe.
One more time, it is just my opinion.

Please, wait for the evaluation by other judges.
It is really strange to see here some boys, who can not wait for the final results. We are not in the kindergarten.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41203

  • Effectt
  • Effectt аватар
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  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 15
  • Репутация: -1
Yarche пишет:
Effectt пишет:
Break dance is not jumpstyle and we should not use this tricks :) but it's only my opionion :D
If you rating like that take care about Widing movie = more technic ^^

All we know that breakdance is not jumpstyle, but also we should add somthing interesting to the jumpstyle. Without it this style of harddance will die soon. And according to my opinion, you did not added something cool into the dances. And your opponent - yes, like in the examples above.
What do you mean by "widing movie", please describe.
One more time, it is just my opinion.

Please, wait for the evaluation by other judges.
It is really strange to see here some boys, who can not wait for the final results. We are not in the kindergarten.
Widing movie = more 16:9 . His camera doesn't record in 16:9 ;). He have more longer legs than real. That way his trick is better looks . I today in the evening this :) I take pictures of my movie with this simple trick :).

If i don't have agression in movie - i can lag movie and reupload. Then i will have a lot of Agression like BeliR.

meaning of jumpstyle is:
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от Effectt.
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