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ТЕМА: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012

Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41204

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Effectt пишет:
Yarche пишет:
Dear Jumpstylers,
above you can find just my opinion.
Please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.
What is your problems?
You told "BeliR" wins ,so another judge will told like that :). It's simply like Domino day

I think, you are not right. You still has good chances to win this league, like your opponent.
Also, about Domino Day, please check this topic: jumpstylers.ru/forum/155-wsjl-2012-championship/40917-good-idea-for-judges-.html#40954 . 3 judges evaluation was not our idea, OK?
So, please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.

And please ask your friends to stop crying. I can answer like you, and you should understand it, it is not fair also, because a comments of the boys above can affect the evaluation by the two other judges. Domino Day. My opinion is like their opinion.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41205

  • VaNiTo
  • VaNiTo аватар
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my opinion Effect win.
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от VaNiTo.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41206

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Effectt пишет:
Widing movie = more 16:9 . His camera doesn't record in 16:9 ;). He have more longer legs than real. That way his trick is better looks . I today in the evening this :) I take pictures of my movie with this simple trick :).

If i don't have agression in movie - i can lag movie and reupload. Then i will have a lot of Agression like BeliR.

meaning of jumpstyle is:

ahh, Ok, for me 16:9 or 4:3 movies is nothing. anyway, it is just 1 criterie. then the result will be 1,5 - 0.

about jumpstyle is not a brekdance.
mate, i don't see jumps in your movie. yeah, there are great tricks and combos. but where are jumps?

finally, for me you are really great dancer, and as i told on the previous stage, when you win vs Kamilkadze: "every battle on such stages is really difficult". so, please, wait for the final results and ask your friends to stop talking.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41207

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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VaNiTo пишет:
my opinion Effect win.
как я уже сказал выше, просьба дождаться судейства двух остальных судей. ваши комментарии могут повлиять на качество судейства.
Effect, words in russian above is like i told you in a comments above, just translation.

So, good luck, left 4 a vaction.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41208

  • Effectt
  • Effectt аватар
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Yarche пишет:
Effectt пишет:
Yarche пишет:
Dear Jumpstylers,
above you can find just my opinion.
Please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.
What is your problems?
You told "BeliR" wins ,so another judge will told like that :). It's simply like Domino day

I think, you are not right. You still has good chances to win this league, like your opponent.
Also, about Domino Day, please check this topic: jumpstylers.ru/forum/155-wsjl-2012-championship/40917-good-idea-for-judges-.html#40954 . 3 judges evaluation was not our idea, OK?
So, please, wait for the evaluation by other 2 judges.

And please ask your friends to stop crying. I can answer like you, and you should understand it, it is not fair also, because a comments of the boys above can affect the evaluation by the two other judges. Domino Day. My opinion is like their opinion.
It's really unfair you don't take care about movie quality.
Truth me , i know what is making movies :). And when he record in 4:3, and he put "Switches ---> Matian aspect ratio" in vegas hi style is more technically :). Btw if you wanna se my spin i don't fault. The spins are not long , that way i cutted it.
Yarche i don't telling all :
They say they opinion like You and you should to respect it.
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от Effectt.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41209

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Effectt пишет:
It's really unfair you don't take care about movie quality.
Truth me , i know what is making movies :). And when he record in 4:3, and he put "Switches ---> Matian aspect ratio" in vegas hi style is more technically :).

one more time, if you want it, and it is not big problem for me to correct my result ---> Ok. energy: draw, then final result is:

energy 0 - 0
technic 0 - 0
variety 0,5 - 0
music 1 - 0
summary: 1,5 (belir) - 0 (effect)

anyway, my opinion, is that your opponent acc. to the criterious is more better than you.

i should go, please wait for the other 2 judges.
you still has good chances to win this league. stop talking.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 6 мес. назад от Yarche.
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41211

  • Effectt
  • Effectt аватар
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  • Сообщений: 15
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Yarche пишет:
Effectt пишет:
It's really unfair you don't take care about movie quality.
Truth me , i know what is making movies :). And when he record in 4:3, and he put "Switches ---> Matian aspect ratio" in vegas hi style is more technically :).

one more time, if you want it, and it is not big problem for me to correct my result ---> Ok. energy: draw, then final result is:

energy 0 - 0
technic 0 - 0
variety 0,5 - 0
music 1 - 0
summary: 1,5 (belir) - 0 (effect)

anyway, my opinion, is that your opponent acc. to the criterious is more better than you.

i should go, please wait for the other 2 judges.
you still has good chances to win this league. stop talking.
If i don't jump so why i doing?
If i lose with tricks so i must go on the ground do the solo of breakdance and i will have more fresh solo? - funny.
Energy lose? Too funny.. My 2 solos are more agressive than him.
You don't take in your opinion - my first spins ..
I put new combos if you saw in another movie SHOW ME and then your opinion will be fair :).
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41213

  • Yarche
  • Yarche аватар
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Effectt пишет:
If i don't jump so why i doing?
It is your ownstyle, and of course, you can do, what you want.
Effectt пишет:
If i lose with tricks so i must go on the ground do the solo of breakdance and i will have more fresh solo? - funny.
It is necessary to put creative and interesting elements into your dances, then your dances will be fresh, according to our system of evaluation.
If you want to use some elements from breakdance or ballet - it is your choice.
If not - Ok, it is also your choice, but in this case you will not be able to receive some bonus points from judges.

Effectt пишет:
Energy lose? Too funny.. My 2 solos are more agressive than him.
You don't loose energy, there is draw, as i told you above, 2nd time. And, nope, you was not more agressive, for sure.

Effectt пишет:
You don't take in your opinion - my first spins ..
I don't take in opinion also spins by BeliR.

Effectt пишет:
I put new combos if you saw in another movie SHOW ME and then your opinion will be fair :).
I don't need to check your another movies. I should check only this battle. This one your movie vs movie by BeliR. And for me his style was more intersting and creative, than your style, because he use interesting elements, and you - not. Examples you can find in the evaluation above.

From this moment i will not answer any your questions. I just kindly ask you to wait for the evaluation by two other judges.
Yarche // Ярослав Костров
Skype: yarchexd (Every day, 10:00 - 18:00, MSK time)
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41215

  • SheVa
  • SheVa аватар
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Effect vs BeliR

From both I didn't see wrongs and faults, nice job! Maybe some little moments in tricks that made not fully on plan of dance, but it's not so big problem :) Basic technique nice both too. Draw

2.Complexity and Variety:
Effect nice first solo with some original tricks, second not bad too, spins really nice *__*
Belir first solo not bad, second too, in second have some interesting tricks and not bad spin.
+ Effect

Effect nice, I like this energy, high kicks.
BeliR agressive nice, energy too.
Mmm, Effect have more high kicks, Belir more agressive, draw here.

4.Music feeling:
Effect not bad feeling, first solo nice, but without choreografy.
BeliR nice feeling, in second solo was nice choreografy, great onbeat.

Go to Final: 1-1, draw... Wow really hard battle! Like both! Effect all nice, more like your program of dance, nice polish style and really ownstyle! Belir you have all nice to, but you more good and creative feel the music!
I prefer BeliR, because dance for first it's feeling the music and than program, any professional dancers in all style can say it! It's really hard prefer but I have it. Effect don't be sad, really great!
Тема заблокирована.

Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41219

  • VaNiTo
  • VaNiTo аватар
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41221

  • JWoolol
  • JWoolol аватар
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Belir Vs. Effect
1. Technique.
Both jumpstylers have great technique, but Effect have more good performance.
2. 2.Complexity and Variety
Effect have amazing spins & good tricks, great!
Belir - good tricks, nice Complexity
So, 2 amazing jumpstylers have great energy! But I think, only DRAW
4.Music feeling
Both jumpstylers - nice on'beat, but Belir better, because full on'beat
1:1 - DRAW, great battle!
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Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41222

  • adminv15
  • adminv15 аватар
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BeliR vs Effect

Draw - JW
Belir winner - Sheva, Yarche
Effect winner - none.

BeliR (2,5) vs Effect (0,5).
BeliR goes in the next stage.
Effect, thank you very much for such great battle.
Тема заблокирована.

Re: Toss-Up - 1/2 Final of WSJL 2012 12 года 6 мес. назад #41228

  • badsz
  • badsz аватар
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ha ha ha
«badsz» + Воскресенский Дмитрий.
Skype - m.city-badsik
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Спасибо сказали: JumperScot, 2JuMpErZ, Anthony
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