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Rules - System Of Survival JumpStyle League

ТЕМА: Criterions

Criterions 12 года 8 мес. назад #40246

  • ENeRGYSPeeD аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 328
  • Репутация: 4

1. Time of dance.
2. The complexity of the dance.
3. The originality of the dance.
4. Dance technique.
5. Energetic dance.
6. A sense of music.

Description of test:

1. Time of dance - the dancer is considered stamina. Also, the dance will be in the final description is comparable with the other criteria.
2. The complexity of the dance - performed by dancers are considered complex elements of dance, as well as their quality.
3. The originality of the dance - is considered a variety of dance and its nature as a whole.
4. Dance technique - is considered accurate execution of the elements of dance.
5. Energetic dance - is considered pursuant to the energetic and aggressive movements and dance in general.
6. Sense of music - is seen getting into the bits and harping on the track.

Dear Judge! Assessment is due for each criterion by (+) or (-). Each criterion must be justified. At the end of the judging and the final text of the reasoned decision and evaluation. Assessment set by number of criteria. For example: 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 ...
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
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