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Rules - System Of Survival JumpStyle League

ТЕМА: Movie editing

Movie editing 12 года 8 мес. назад #40247

  • ENeRGYSPeeD аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 328
  • Репутация: 4
1. Fill in the video resource type youtube.com.
2. Download the raw video file is not required. (Only at the request of the organizers and judges of)
3. Be sure to tell about the computation of the video in a specially created a theme for each stage JumpStyle-League.
4. Necessary to have a logo JumpStyle-league at the beginning of videos that will be provided by the organizers later.
5. Effects are welcome, but in moderation (for convenience, the organizers and judges' review and assess the composition of your clips.)
6. Free choice of tracks, allowed them to accelerate, but in moderation. (Do not use all styles of music, except HardStyle and JumpStyle)
7. It is forbidden to use the clip of the dance, which has already been used in other videos before this stage.
8. Pri upload your video clip on youtube.com you have the right to freedom of the name of your video, but you must enter jumpstylers.ru


The title of the video, tags and description should be a link to the site jumpstylers.ru
For non-compliance - disqualification!
League system SOSJL:
1/128 - 1/8 final:
- Number of solo - 1. Tracks - free. Duration of the clip - is unlimited.
1/4 - 1/2 final:
- Number of solo - 2. Tracks - free. Duration of the clip - is unlimited.
- Number of solo - 3. Tracks - free. Duration of the clip - is unlimited.
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 8 мес. назад от ENeRGYSPeeD.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Работает на Kunena форум


При использовании любых материалов с сайта JumpStylers.Ru указание ссылки на материал и ее автора обязательно.
Contact Person: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Kostrov Yaroslav
Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru

Шахматные книги и уроки шахмат на ChessKnigi.Ru и ChessDeti.Ru
