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- International JumpStyle League JumpStylers.Ru (22.08.2009 - 06.03.2010)
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ТЕМА: Main information. (english)
Main information. (english) 15 года 7 мес. назад #636
International JumpStyle League JumpStylers.Ru
The main jumpstyle league organized by jumpstylers.ru and vkontakte.ru/club219186
Aim: Popularization of the hard dance subculture and development of the dance “JumpStyle” Organisation: [justify] Administration and moderators of the site jumpstylers.ru and group on the site vkontakte.ru “Jumpstyle is not a crime!” Yarche – Yaroslav Kostrov, Samurai – Igor Vasilev, Vic – Victor Laeda and all the participants of the league and people who are interesting in development of the hard dance in Russia.[/justify] The dates: The beginning of handing an application: 22 august – 8 September The start of the league: 12 September The group stage : 12.09 - 13.09 (SideJump), 19.09 - 20.09 (FreeStyle), 26.09 - 27.09 (DuoJump) 1/16-Final: 03.10 - 04.10, 10.10 – 11.10, 17.10 - 18.10 1/8-Final: 24.10 - 25.10, 31.10 - 01.11, 07.11 - 08.11 1/4-Final: 14.11 - 15.11, 21.11 – 22.11, 28.11 – 29.11 1/2-Final: 05.12 – 06.12, 12.12 – 13.12, 19.12 – 20.12 Final: Info later Probably there will be some changes. There is only a week for the estimation and refereeing between every stage. The end of the league: The moment every final movie in every subclass of jumpstyle will be shot the end will come. [justify] Subclasses of the jumpstyle league: FreeStyle-Divisione – a participant shoots a solo-video in this subclass(style) of jumpstyle and it’s not allowed to make a movement “wheel” (some kind of revolution of your leg in the area or knee) and some more difficult movements which can resemble the movement “wheel” . SideJump-Divisione – a participant shoots a solo-video without any limitation. DuoJump-Divisione – Atwo participants shoot a video without any limitation and the main point is interest , variety of the program and coincidence. [/justify] [justify] The system of the tournament and the system of the toss: The system is the same for every subclass of the jumpstyle league. Duojump can be as an exception due to the number of the stages because of the little quantity of the participants. After the end of applications we have a toss. In the beginning we toss every participant in groups. The winners of the first Russian Jumpstyle league can miss this part of the league. The other participants are divided into groups due to their skills in jumpstyle. We careful watch their previous movies and then toss the participants. After the group stage we divide participants into pairs till the semifinal of the league. The toss is made accidentally. That’s why there isn’t any fraud. Only the organizers of the league make the toss. [/justify] The system of the applications: [justify] Every person can make an application in every subclass of the jumpstyle league moreover he can make an application in every three subclass at once. But in duojump subclass you are allowed to make an application only with one pair. You cannot make an application with two pairs. Attention! A person who made an application but didn’t shoot a video will have a problem in the next league. Probably he will not be able to take part in it. There are some exceptions such as injury or big troubles in the family. You will have enough time to shoot a video. The dates you can find in the special division. Please be sure that you can take part in the Jumpstyle league otherwise you can make a lot of problems and useless work for the organizers of the league. [/justify] The main point and criteria for choosing the participant for the next stage of Jumpstyle league: (Attention! We watch the DANCE of the participant, not the treatment of the video) FreeStyle-Division. Technical skill of the dance Aggression Sense of rhythm Variety and number of the movements Technical skill of the basic Complexity of the dance SideJump-Division. Technical skill of the dance The time of the dance Vitality Variety of the new elements Variety and number of the movements Technical skill of the basic Complexity of the dance DuoJump-Division. Coincidence of the movements of the both participants The time of the dance Technical skill of the movements Variety and number of the movements Sense of rhythm Complexity of the dance Any Questions?: In Special topic. QUESTIONS! ---> HERE! (english) Apellationkommitee FreeStyle-Division, SideJump-Division, DuoJump-Division: K4^Jumpen LonelyHawk Arhmaran Samurai Vic Yarche Probably there will be some changes in rules of the jumpstyle league but we get you know about everything . The changes can be during the whole league.
Thank you.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Main information. (english) 15 года 7 мес. назад #5672
International JumpStyle League JumpStylers.Ru
The main jumpstyle league organized by jumpstylers.ru and vkontakte.ru/club219186
Aim: Popularization of the hard dance subculture and development of the dance “JumpStyle” Organisation: [justify] Administration and moderators of the site jumpstylers.ru and group on the site vkontakte.ru “Jumpstyle is not a crime!” Yarche – Yaroslav Kostrov, Samurai – Igor Vasilev, Vic – Victor Laeda and all the participants of the league and people who are interesting in development of the hard dance in Russia.[/justify] The dates: The beginning of handing an application: 22 august – 8 September The start of the league: 12 September The group stage : 12.09 - 13.09 (SideJump), 19.09 - 20.09 (FreeStyle), 26.09 - 27.09 (DuoJump) 1/16-Final: 03.10 - 04.10, 10.10 – 11.10, 17.10 - 18.10 1/8-Final: 24.10 - 25.10, 31.10 - 01.11, 07.11 - 08.11 1/4-Final: 14.11 - 15.11, 21.11 – 22.11, 28.11 – 29.11 1/2-Final: 05.12 – 06.12, 12.12 – 13.12, 19.12 – 20.12 Final: Info later Probably there will be some changes. There is only a week for the estimation and refereeing between every stage. The end of the league: The moment every final movie in every subclass of jumpstyle will be shot the end will come. [justify] Subclasses of the jumpstyle league: FreeStyle-Divisione – a participant shoots a solo-video in this subclass(style) of jumpstyle and it’s not allowed to make a movement “wheel” (some kind of revolution of your leg in the area or knee) and some more difficult movements which can resemble the movement “wheel” . SideJump-Divisione – a participant shoots a solo-video without any limitation. DuoJump-Divisione – Atwo participants shoot a video without any limitation and the main point is interest , variety of the program and coincidence. [/justify] [justify] The system of the tournament and the system of the toss: The system is the same for every subclass of the jumpstyle league. Duojump can be as an exception due to the number of the stages because of the little quantity of the participants. After the end of applications we have a toss. In the beginning we toss every participant in groups. The winners of the first Russian Jumpstyle league can miss this part of the league. The other participants are divided into groups due to their skills in jumpstyle. We careful watch their previous movies and then toss the participants. After the group stage we divide participants into pairs till the semifinal of the league. The toss is made accidentally. That’s why there isn’t any fraud. Only the organizers of the league make the toss. [/justify] The system of the applications: [justify] Every person can make an application in every subclass of the jumpstyle league moreover he can make an application in every three subclass at once. But in duojump subclass you are allowed to make an application only with one pair. You cannot make an application with two pairs. Attention! A person who made an application but didn’t shoot a video will have a problem in the next league. Probably he will not be able to take part in it. There are some exceptions such as injury or big troubles in the family. You will have enough time to shoot a video. The dates you can find in the special division. Please be sure that you can take part in the Jumpstyle league otherwise you can make a lot of problems and useless work for the organizers of the league. [/justify] The main point and criteria for choosing the participant for the next stage of Jumpstyle league: (Attention! We watch the DANCE of the participant, not the treatment of the video) FreeStyle-Division. Technical skill of the dance Aggression Sense of rhythm Variety and number of the movements Technical skill of the basic Complexity of the dance SideJump-Division. Technical skill of the dance The time of the dance Vitality Variety of the new elements Variety and number of the movements Technical skill of the basic Complexity of the dance DuoJump-Division. Coincidence of the movements of the both participants The time of the dance Technical skill of the movements Variety and number of the movements Sense of rhythm Complexity of the dance Any Questions?: In Special topic. QUESTIONS! ---> HERE! (english) Apellationkommitee FreeStyle-Division, SideJump-Division, DuoJump-Division: K4^Jumpen LonelyHawk Arhmaran Samurai Vic Yarche Probably there will be some changes in rules of the jumpstyle league but we get you know about everything . The changes can be during the whole league.
Thank you.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.