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1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #1474

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
FLA5H3D / Vlad Avrushin

PowerV vs West
Stig vs PazZitiFF
Kruzi vs Axel
Victor H. vs Holly
Square vs Solve
Zefas vs Felicio
The-tun3r vs Kamilkadze
Aleex vs VanO_J^Dayz
R_O vs Davee

Results !

West vs PowerV - 1/64


1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4/5

4) program complexity; 3.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4.5/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [28 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [24 seconds] 3.5/5


West 32.5 - PowerV 33 = PowerV is winner , go in 1/32 .

Cпасибо West за отснятыоые видео в нашей лиге,удачи в дальнейшем !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12247

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
FLA5H3D / Vlad Avrushin

PowerV vs West
Stig vs PazZitiFF
Kruzi vs Axel
Victor H. vs Holly
Square vs Solve
Zefas vs Felicio
The-tun3r vs Kamilkadze
Aleex vs VanO_J^Dayz
R_O vs Davee

Results !

West vs PowerV - 1/64


1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 5/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4/5

4) program complexity; 3.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 4/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4.5/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [28 seconds] 4/5



1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance: 4.5/5

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders: 4/5

3) elements variety and quantity, involved in dance; 4.5/5

4) program complexity; 4.5/5

5) dance performance aggression; 5/5

6) the performance science of basic; 4/5

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; 3/5

8) the total time of dance [24 seconds] 3.5/5


West 32.5 - PowerV 33 = PowerV is winner , go in 1/32 .

Cпасибо West за отснятыоые видео в нашей лиге,удачи в дальнейшем !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12318

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
[R_O] vs Davee - 1/64


1) Technics:

Small fault - after spin 0:32 - u went out after spin not in the plane of the dance. Not very good spin at 0:45

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Nice variously.

4) Complexity:


5) dance performance aggression;

Nice energetic and speed.

6) Basics;

Not very good.

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

Hm, I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks.

8) the total time of dance

36 seconds - very good.


1) Technics:

Good techniks at all.

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Very nice. Many tricks, combinations of tricks. Good trick at 0:42.

4) Complexity:

Good complexity.

5) dance performance aggression;

Nice energetic and speed. But i haven't seen agression.

6) Basics;

Not very good.

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks.

8) the total time of dance

25 seconds - nice time.

So....interesting situation :

1) Technics: Davee

2) How do u feel music: =

3) Elements variety and quantity: =

4) Complexity: Davee

5) dance performance aggression; R_O

6) Basics;=

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;=

8) the total time of dance; R_O

We see 2:2 , but i think in the next stage should pass Davee for his better technics because it is most important criteries !

1/32 – Davee

Davee good luck in next stage!

R_O - спасибо за участие в нашей лиге,ты показал отличный уровень и почти выйграл соперника,молодец! Удачи в дальнейшем !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12320

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
KamiLkadze vs The-Tun3r - 1/64


1) Technics:

Small fault - after air spin 0:26 but it's little mistake and in the end of your dance after spin!but good tecnics at all.

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Good variously.

4) Complexity:

Very Good.

5) dance performance aggression;

Nice energetic and speed , but without agression.

6) Basics;

Not the best , but very good!

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

Interestng trick at 0:32 and 0:38 ! Good!

8) the total time of dance

26 seconds - good.


1) Technics:

Good techniks at all but you have more little mistakes (also at 0:44) than opponent.

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Good,also for time of dance!

4) Complexity:

Not very good complexity.

5) dance performance aggression;

Energy dance but not agressive and at the end of dance little energy!

6) Basics;

Not very good.

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks.

8) the total time of dance

39 seconds - very good time!

1) Technics: Kamilkadze

2) How do u feel music: =

3) Elements variety and quantity: =

4) Complexity: Kamilkadze

5) dance performance aggression; KamilKadze

6) Basics;Kamilkadze

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;Kamilkadze

8) the total time of dance; Tun3r

1/32 - Kamilkadze

Thanks Tun3r for participate in our league,you аre good jumper.And good luck Kamilkadze at the next stages !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12328

  • [R_O]JUMPER аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • [One Style Brothers]
  • Сообщений: 324
  • Спасибо получено: 4
  • Репутация: 5
я воссийскую могу дозаявиться?
Balayan Roman [One Style Brothers]
icq - 580061163
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12329

  • [R_O]JUMPER аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • [One Style Brothers]
  • Сообщений: 324
  • Спасибо получено: 4
  • Репутация: 5
я в Российскую могу дозаявиться???
Balayan Roman [One Style Brothers]
icq - 580061163
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12330

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12338

  • ^CJ^
  • ^CJ^ аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 282
  • Репутация: 3
Уважаемого судью fla5h3d прошу ознакомиться с данным сообщением на форуме в топике "Совета отцов" jumpstylers.ru/index.php?option=com_agora&Itemid=38&task=viewtopic&pid=11097#p11097 .
Судейство пар выше не принимается.
Я абсолютно не понимаю, откуда берется балл 4,8. Почему тогда не 4,73 или 4,69?
Соответственно, в дальнейшем, обращаю внимание судей на то, что критерии нужно оценивать не баллами, в итоге суммируя их, а подходя дифференцировано в общем. Тем более в баттлах 1 на 1, которые сейчас начнутся с этапа 1/64-финала это будет сделать намного проще. Если Вася выиграл в критериях сложность, разнообразия, но проиграл в базе, и немного в тайминге, то ответ, кто пройдет в следующий раунд - должен быть очевиден.

Добавлено 11.26.2010 21:53:41:
Пересуди пару West vs PowerV
Артюхин Дмитрий
SeeJumpen - Skype
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12340

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12342

  • jumperfelicio
  • jumperfelicio аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 5
  • Репутация: 0
а че felicio vs zefas нерассудили
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12348

  • ENeRGYSPeeD аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 328
  • Репутация: 4
Пара: [R_O] vs. Davee

Почему я не вижу объяснения критериям? Ну допустим критерий "Техника". Почему я вижу, что указаны ошибки только у участника [R_O] хотя посмотрев танец Davee, я нашел много ошибок и я думаю никому не интересен этот "горбатый и неловкий стиль"!
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12350

  • PazZitiFF
  • PazZitiFF аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Junior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 72
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
+1 к Туру
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12360

  • sl1m
  • sl1m аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Expert JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 198
  • Спасибо получено: 3
  • Репутация: 5
Дозоявки в русскую лигу
Те кто не прошел,добро пожаловать в русскую лигу
Дозаявиться вы можете в этой теме:
slim//Николай Усов
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12364

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
Zefas Vs felicio - 1/64


1) Technics:

Small fault - after spin 0:22, and another mistakes at 0:16.

2) How do u feel music:

Not good but OK!

3) Elements variety and quantity:

Good variously,but you have repeats.

4) Complexity:


5) dance performance aggression;

Nice speed and agression.

6) Basics;


7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks

8) the total time of dance

30 seconds - good.


1) Technics:

Mistakes at : 0.25 , 0.33 afrter spin, 0.36.

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Good,but your opponent did more tricks.

4) Complexity:


5) dance performance aggression;

Energy dance but not agressive .

6) Basics;

Not good.

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks.

8) the total time of dance

23 seconds - normal.

1) Technics: =

2) How do u feel music: Felicio

3) Elements variety and quantity: Zefas

4) Complexity: =

5) dance performance aggression; Zefas

6) Basics; Zefas

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;=

8) the total time of dance; Zefas

1/32 - Zefas

Thanks Felicio for participate in our league,youre good jumper.And good luck Zefas at the next stages !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/64 FINAL WJL | JUDGE - FLA5H3D | RESULTS 14 года 4 мес. назад #12366

  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR
  • 1tSoVo^JuMpeR аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 130
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
Holly vs Victor H. - 1/64


1) Technics:

Mistakes : 0.40 , 0.51 and end of the dance, but your tecnics is better than your opponent.

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Good variously.

4) Complexity:

Very Good.

5) dance performance aggression;

Nice energetic and speed , but without agression.

6) Basics;


7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven't seen new tricks.

8) the total time of dance

28 seconds - good.

Victor H.

1) Technics:

Mistakes : 0.38 , 0.41 , 0.50 (not good you did this trick)

2) How do u feel music:


3) Elements variety and quantity:

Nice tricks.

4) Complexity:

Good complexity.

5) dance performance aggression;

Energy dance but not agressive.

6) Basics;

Not very good.

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;

I haven’t seen in your dance any new elements or tricks.

8) the total time of dance

27 seconds - good.

1) Technics: Holly

2) How do u feel music: =

3) Elements variety and quantity: =

4) Complexity: Holly

5) dance performance aggression; =

6) Basics; Holly

7) the presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance; =

8) the total time of dance; =

1/32 - Holly

Thanks Victor H. for participate in our league,you're very good jumper.And good luck Holly at the next stages !
FLA5H3D --> Vladislav Avrushin
skype: flash3d_w3
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
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