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1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #1573

  • VIT
  • VIT аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 133
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: -2

1) Technics:
No bad technics but you haven’t clear in some tricks…

2) How do u feel music:
In some moments you are faster than music.

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Normally variety.

4) Complexity:
Some elements is easy…Not so hard.

5) Dance performance aggression;
Nice aggression.

6) Basics;
Basics is not high…Your legs is down.

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;
Don’t have new elements.

8) The total time of dance
26 + 22 seconds


1) Technics:
Good technics + high legs.

2) How do u feel music:
Good feelling.

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Good variety dance.

4) Complexity:
Normally complexity.

5) Dance performance aggression;
Very good aggression!

6) Basics;
Nice basics

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;
End of first solo I think it’s some new… and all tricks are very intresting.

8) The total time of dance
22 + 26 seconds

Technics: Kamilkadze
Music: Kamilkadze better on beat.
Elements variety and quantity: I think both =
Complexity: Kamilkadze…more hard tricks.
Aggression: Kamilkadze
Basics: Kamilkadze
New elements: Kamilkadze
Time: Both have not so long time…and =

Next Stage: Kamilkadze


1) Technics of execution of elements and sheaves in dance:

The good technics, without gross blunders.
In the end of the second solo has strongly brought 1.22

2) Feeling of music in chosen by you or given
Good hit a music outgaming wasn't.

3) a variety quantity of the elements involved in dance:

A good variety isn't enough repetitions to connect accurately of all and beautifully looks at performance.

4) complexity of the program:

Complexity of the program average, but use spins lifts a scale top.

5) aggression of execution of dance:

Very aggressively

6) technics of execution of base:

Base without special raisings of feet.

7) presence of new interesting elements or the sheaves thought up by you:

The new hasn't seen, but execution of tricks in improvisation and slides very much was pleasant

8) the general time of dance:

Not so big


1) Technics of execution of elements and sheaves in dance:

The good technics but without special fixings.

2) Feeling of music in chosen by you or given

Excellent hit are available an outgaming

3) a variety quantity of the elements involved in dance:

Good a variety and presence of combinations but are available repetitions.

4) complexity of the program:

The program less difficult than at the contender.

5) aggression of execution of dance:

Very aggressively too

6) technics of execution of base:

Normal base without a raising of feet

7) presence of new interesting elements or the sheaves thought up by you:

The new thought up sheaves hasn't seen, all is simple enough.

8) the general time of dance:
33+ 27

Participants it is steams have shown fine videos at the given stage it was pleasant to look, such high level of dance
But participant Fede has shown better at the given stage the variety and aggressions.

Therefore it passes in 1/8

Egidijus thanks for removed video, we hope that you still will surprise us.
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1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13211

  • VIT
  • VIT аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Senior JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 133
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: -2

1) Technics:
No bad technics but you haven’t clear in some tricks…

2) How do u feel music:
In some moments you are faster than music.

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Normally variety.

4) Complexity:
Some elements is easy…Not so hard.

5) Dance performance aggression;
Nice aggression.

6) Basics;
Basics is not high…Your legs is down.

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;
Don’t have new elements.

8) The total time of dance
26 + 22 seconds


1) Technics:
Good technics + high legs.

2) How do u feel music:
Good feelling.

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Good variety dance.

4) Complexity:
Normally complexity.

5) Dance performance aggression;
Very good aggression!

6) Basics;
Nice basics

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;
End of first solo I think it’s some new… and all tricks are very intresting.

8) The total time of dance
22 + 26 seconds

Technics: Kamilkadze
Music: Kamilkadze better on beat.
Elements variety and quantity: I think both =
Complexity: Kamilkadze…more hard tricks.
Aggression: Kamilkadze
Basics: Kamilkadze
New elements: Kamilkadze
Time: Both have not so long time…and =

Next Stage: Kamilkadze


1) Technics of execution of elements and sheaves in dance:

The good technics, without gross blunders.
In the end of the second solo has strongly brought 1.22

2) Feeling of music in chosen by you or given
Good hit a music outgaming wasn't.

3) a variety quantity of the elements involved in dance:

A good variety isn't enough repetitions to connect accurately of all and beautifully looks at performance.

4) complexity of the program:

Complexity of the program average, but use spins lifts a scale top.

5) aggression of execution of dance:

Very aggressively

6) technics of execution of base:

Base without special raisings of feet.

7) presence of new interesting elements or the sheaves thought up by you:

The new hasn't seen, but execution of tricks in improvisation and slides very much was pleasant

8) the general time of dance:

Not so big


1) Technics of execution of elements and sheaves in dance:

The good technics but without special fixings.

2) Feeling of music in chosen by you or given

Excellent hit are available an outgaming

3) a variety quantity of the elements involved in dance:

Good a variety and presence of combinations but are available repetitions.

4) complexity of the program:

The program less difficult than at the contender.

5) aggression of execution of dance:

Very aggressively too

6) technics of execution of base:

Normal base without a raising of feet

7) presence of new interesting elements or the sheaves thought up by you:

The new thought up sheaves hasn't seen, all is simple enough.

8) the general time of dance:
33+ 27

Participants it is steams have shown fine videos at the given stage it was pleasant to look, such high level of dance
But participant Fede has shown better at the given stage the variety and aggressions.

Therefore it passes in 1/8

Egidijus thanks for removed video, we hope that you still will surprise us.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13214

  • JumperScot
  • JumperScot аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Top JumpStyler
  • OwnStyle
  • Сообщений: 1553
  • Спасибо получено: 28
  • Репутация: 28

1) Техничность исполнения элементов и связок в танце:

Хорошаая техника, с небольшими мало заметными помарками в фиксациях.

2) Чувство музыки в выбранном Вами или данном организаторами трек:

Хорошее попадание в бит, музыку не обыграл.

3) разнообразность и количество элементов, задействованных в танце:

Среднее разнообразие,даже просматривая первый раз заметны повторения.

4) сложность программы:

Сложных элементов не заметил.

5) агрессивность исполнения танца:


6) техничность исполнения базы:

Хорошая база, без особых сильных поджимов.

7) наличие новых интересных элементов или придуманных Вами связок:

Понравились захваты в кручениях, хоть и терял при них скорость.
Хорошие связки.

8) общее время танца:



1) Tehnichnost of execution of elements and sheaves in dance:

The good technics, but with those gross blunders as plane loss at elementary tricks, without what or rotations.
As not so were pleasant выкидывание feet in the earth.

2) Feeling of music in chosen by you or given by organizers a track:

Good hit in bit, music hasn't beaten.

3) a variety and quantity of the elements involved in dance:

Frequent repetitions of the same elements.

4) complexity of the program:

Difficult elements hasn't noticed.

5) aggression of execution of dance:

More aggressively than at the opponent.

6) technics of execution of base:

Good base, but not especially correct

7) presence of new interesting elements or the sheaves thought up by you:

That new has seen, but the thought up sheaves look well performed by.

8) the general time of dance:
26 + 25

Both participants have shown good level, but only one will pass in the following stage, very difficult choice was, but with small advantage wins, Sidej.

Schenker thanks for good removed videos, you the strong dancer

The next stage s1dej
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1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13215

  • JumperScot
  • JumperScot аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Top JumpStyler
  • OwnStyle
  • Сообщений: 1553
  • Спасибо получено: 28
  • Репутация: 28

1) Technics:
Good technicks but you have no good continue after spin in starting of first solo, back to camera…0:32

2) How do u feel music:
Nice feeling

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Very good variety with new and intresting tricks without repeats.

4) Complexity:
Hard complexity because have new har elements and dance with nice tricks.

5) Dance performance aggression;
Nice aggression in both solos!

6) Basics;
Not have full basics in video…only right leg. It’s bad for mark of basics…

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance;
New elements 0:45 and 0:58? Intresting tricks.

8) The total time of dance
28 + 26 seconds


1) Technics:
Nice technics with good spins and without wrongs.

2) How do u feel music:
Good feelling.

3) Elements variety and quantity:
Good variety dance.

4) Complexity:
Hard complexity because have good fast with hard spins and tricks!

5) Dance performance aggression;
Very good aggression!

6) Basics;
Nice basics.

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance:
Not have new elements but tricks are intresting.

8) The total time of dance
26 + 35 seconds

Technics: Jagr win +
Music: Both are good =
Elements variety and quantity: Aleeex win +
Complexity: Both are hard =
Aggression: Both aggressive =
Basics: Jagr win +
New elements: Aleeex win +
Time: Jagr win +

Jagr better for some better technics basics and time of dance. But in variety elements and new elements was better Aleeex. In another they are both good…
Very hard battle but Jagr win 3-2.
Good Luck Aleeex in others leagues, you showed to us very good movies! =)

Next Stage: Jagr
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1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13216

  • schenker.wacka
  • schenker.wacka аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 12
  • Репутация: 0
Yes, send it on to the next stage of your friend -.-
congratulations ... it seems that the Russian league -.-
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13217

  • JumperScot
  • JumperScot аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Top JumpStyler
  • OwnStyle
  • Сообщений: 1553
  • Спасибо получено: 28
  • Репутация: 28
You consider that winner Alex?
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13218

  • JumperScot
  • JumperScot аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Top JumpStyler
  • OwnStyle
  • Сообщений: 1553
  • Спасибо получено: 28
  • Репутация: 28
aaaa sidej
he removed good video versus you
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1/16 Final WJSL | JUDGE - ENeRGYSpEEd | RESULTS 14 года 2 мес. назад #13219

  • schenker.wacka
  • schenker.wacka аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Fresh JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 12
  • Репутация: 0
look better, not just 1-2 people said that my video is better ....
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Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru

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