Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #1372
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Silver JumpStyler
Сообщений: 282
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by Yarche:
1. The official logo of league should be shown in the first 5 seconds of a clip.
2. In the movie beginning should be placed nicknames and the stage name.
3. Upload NOT processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
4. Upload processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
5. Upload Movie on YouTube.
6. Necessarily inform in specially created theme for a stage All references created by you (3, 4, 5).
You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
Names of movies and tags to them on YouTube.
The movie name should look so:
Nickname | The League Name |
Michael | World JumpStyle League | JUMPSTYLERS.RU
Tags should look so:
World JumpStyle League,, club219186, Jumpingisnotacrime, FreeStyle, Michael + tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4
1. Only one dance, only one track . You can see tracks in a special topic - "MUSIC!
2. Maximum Time Movie = 2 х (Time of your dance which you give on estimation to judges of league)+5(logo). If your main dance lasts 30 seconds, so movie should not exceed 60+5=60 seconds. If your main dance lasts 40 seconds, so movie should not exceed 80+5=85 seconds. And so on. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
1/64 Final:
1. Only one dance, only one track . Two opponents confer with each other concerning a choice of tracks for each dance. Here the full freedom in choosing is already given you !
2. Maximum Time Movie = 30seconds(Intro+outro)+ time of your dance + 5seconds of logo. If your main dance lasts 40 seconds, so movie should not exceed 30+40+5=75 seconds. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At following stages up to 1/4-Final inclusive:
1. Only two dances, only 2 tracks.
2. Maximum Time Movie = 40 seconds + time of your two dances + 5 seconds of logo. If your first dance lasts 30 seconds, second dance lasts 20 seconds, so movie should not exceed 95 seconds. = 40+30+20+5(logo)= 95 Seconds. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
The general rules
1. To fill in on any Video-resource of type (necessarily), and any others according to your desire.
2. To fill in processed in the video editor on any Upload-resource of type, or any another convenient for downloading further.
3. To fill in an original file from your chamber, on any Upload-resource of type, or any another convenient for downloading further.
In case there is a disputable situation, organizers go judges of league can demand from the participant to fill in as well raw in any editors of video on any Upload-resource.
4. When you fill in video on servers, and any others, it is necessary to register in tags it: World JumpStyle League,, club219186, Jumpingisnotacrime; and also after these tags the battalion name, in which you take part: Solo JumpStyle League, group number in which you will appear after a toss-up and your Nick.
I.e., an example for video from battalion SideJump,Т.е., пример для видео из дивизиона SideJump,
Tags: World JumpStyle League | | club219186 | Jumpingisnotacrime | SoloJumpStyle League | Group1 | LaLaLa,Tags: World JumpStyle League | | club219186 | Jumpingisnotacrime | SoloJumpStyle League | Group1 | LaLaLa ,
Where (Group1 – number of your group, LaLaLa – Nick). Besides these obligatory tags you can use still a maximum 4 on your choice.
5. Necessarily inform in specially created theme for a stage of a battalion of JumpStyle-league in which you participate, references All created and placed by you it agree item 1, 2, 3 it is strict under the form specified in a theme.
6. Necessarily create at a site forum in section JumpStyleMovies in subsection Solo a new theme. In the message to a new theme create with the help tags YOUTUBE (press the button panels of addition of the message and it will appear) a window in which it will be possible to see your video conveniently. [youtube] #### VIDEO_ID #### [/youtube **] <- - so it looks (remove symbols ** for use). For this purpose, for example from the reference it is necessary for you to take symbols-G0j2TGk26I and to put them to the place of symbols #### VIDEO_ID ####. Use at creation of a new theme the button the Preview to be convinced that you have made all correctly.
ps It is recommended to make this point if you want that your video has got on the main page Also it you facilitate work to people responsible for video calculation on the main page
7. Presence of a logo of JumpStyle-league in Video which will be given by organizers is obligatory.
8. Text presence in the beginning of your video containing the information on the name of a battalion, a stage in which you participate, and also yours nick is obligatory.
9. It is forbidden to use imposing of all special effects of the video editor on dance which will be estimated. Use of a special effect of clarification of your video if it acted in film in the evening days is authorized only. Be not overzealous, that your dance could be estimated. It is obligatory to dance in footwear. It is forbidden to use references to the various resources which are not concerning given league. Advertizing is forbidden. Also it is impossible to accelerate video or the tracks used in a roller. It is impossible to stretch video across on a vertical. Non-observance of rules on processing will be eliminate.
ps All in item 9 concerns that part of your video which dance will be estimated by judges, that is. On all the rest that doesn't concern estimated dance to impose effects it is possible.
10. Use of the music (tracks) specified by organizers or those tracks which you have discussed in advance with your opponent is obligatory. It is not necessary to dance longer on time, than track "butt" that it was not necessary to increase its duration lasts. Don't forget that we arrange not music under dance, and dance under music. Otherwise the estimation by criterion «feeling of music» will be lowered.
11. At will, In video end: (thanks for viewing, greetings to friends, teachers, organizers of the league, to a favourite pet, the sun, a wind, snow, a pillow
12. Use in a clip of those dances which have already been used in other videoclips prior to the beginning of the given stage is forbidden.
All given rules should be executed in the JumpStyle-leagues specified in the general rules terms. Observance of all given rules, differently your video is obligatory will be removed from voting, and you will be excluded from league. To watch observance of rules there will be participants of league, and also organizing and judicial structures. The decision concerning an exception of the participant who has broken given rules, is accepted by organizers of league.
At each stage of any of JumpStyle-league battalions the system of processing of video, and also the general rules changes. Participants have additional possibilities at video processing. Here they:
At a group stage
1. In a video file there should be only one dance under one track specified by organizers of league in a special theme.
2. At a group stage it is possible to use totally no more than 30 seconds on intro and otro in a clip (not including time which has been taken away for a logo of league).
That is if your dance lasts 30 seconds, and a logo — 4 seconds duration of a roller can't exceed 30 + 30 + 4 = 64 seconds.
You can use any effects of the video editor with pieces of video which will enter into your clip, but aren't dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At following stages up to 1/4 final inclusive (a knockout to system):
1. In a video file should be only two dances under two different tracks, stipulated by you and your opponent in the given stage in advance.
2. Throughout these stages it is possible to use totally no more than 40 seconds on intro and otro in a clip (not including time which has been taken away for a logo of league).
That is if your first dance lasts 30 seconds, the second — 40 seconds, logo — 4 seconds duration of a roller can't exceed 30 + 40 + 40 + 4 = 114 seconds.
You can use any effects of the video editor with pieces of video which will enter into your clip, but aren't dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At a stage 1/2 final:
Rules same, as well as at the previous stages of knockout-system except that the greatest possible total time for intro and otro will be increased till 60 seconds.
The ending:
1. In a video file should be only three dances under three different tracks, stipulated by you and your opponent in the given stage in advance.
2. Conditions of processing of a clip discussed between contenders and organizers of league.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10691
Не в сети
Silver JumpStyler
Сообщений: 282
Репутация: 3
by Yarche:
1. The official logo of league should be shown in the first 5 seconds of a clip.
2. In the movie beginning should be placed nicknames and the stage name.
3. Upload NOT processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
4. Upload processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
5. Upload Movie on YouTube.
6. Necessarily inform in specially created theme for a stage All references created by you (3, 4, 5).
You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
Names of movies and tags to them on YouTube.
The movie name should look so:
Nickname | The League Name |
Michael | World JumpStyle League | JUMPSTYLERS.RU
Tags should look so:
World JumpStyle League,, club219186, Jumpingisnotacrime, FreeStyle, Michael + tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4
1. Only one dance, only one track . You can see tracks in a special topic - "MUSIC!
2. Maximum Time Movie = 2 х (Time of your dance which you give on estimation to judges of league)+5(logo). If your main dance lasts 30 seconds, so movie should not exceed 60+5=60 seconds. If your main dance lasts 40 seconds, so movie should not exceed 80+5=85 seconds. And so on. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
1/64 Final:
1. Only one dance, only one track . Two opponents confer with each other concerning a choice of tracks for each dance. Here the full freedom in choosing is already given you !
2. Maximum Time Movie = 30seconds(Intro+outro)+ time of your dance + 5seconds of logo. If your main dance lasts 40 seconds, so movie should not exceed 30+40+5=75 seconds. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At following stages up to 1/4-Final inclusive:
1. Only two dances, only 2 tracks.
2. Maximum Time Movie = 40 seconds + time of your two dances + 5 seconds of logo. If your first dance lasts 30 seconds, second dance lasts 20 seconds, so movie should not exceed 95 seconds. = 40+30+20+5(logo)= 95 Seconds. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
The general rules
1. To fill in on any Video-resource of type (necessarily), and any others according to your desire.
2. To fill in processed in the video editor on any Upload-resource of type, or any another convenient for downloading further.
3. To fill in an original file from your chamber, on any Upload-resource of type, or any another convenient for downloading further.
In case there is a disputable situation, organizers go judges of league can demand from the participant to fill in as well raw in any editors of video on any Upload-resource.
4. When you fill in video on servers, and any others, it is necessary to register in tags it: World JumpStyle League,, club219186, Jumpingisnotacrime; and also after these tags the battalion name, in which you take part: Solo JumpStyle League, group number in which you will appear after a toss-up and your Nick.
I.e., an example for video from battalion SideJump,Т.е., пример для видео из дивизиона SideJump,
Tags: World JumpStyle League | | club219186 | Jumpingisnotacrime | SoloJumpStyle League | Group1 | LaLaLa,Tags: World JumpStyle League | | club219186 | Jumpingisnotacrime | SoloJumpStyle League | Group1 | LaLaLa ,
Where (Group1 – number of your group, LaLaLa – Nick). Besides these obligatory tags you can use still a maximum 4 on your choice.
5. Necessarily inform in specially created theme for a stage of a battalion of JumpStyle-league in which you participate, references All created and placed by you it agree item 1, 2, 3 it is strict under the form specified in a theme.
6. Necessarily create at a site forum in section JumpStyleMovies in subsection Solo a new theme. In the message to a new theme create with the help tags YOUTUBE (press the button panels of addition of the message and it will appear) a window in which it will be possible to see your video conveniently. [youtube] #### VIDEO_ID #### [/youtube **] <- - so it looks (remove symbols ** for use). For this purpose, for example from the reference it is necessary for you to take symbols-G0j2TGk26I and to put them to the place of symbols #### VIDEO_ID ####. Use at creation of a new theme the button the Preview to be convinced that you have made all correctly.
ps It is recommended to make this point if you want that your video has got on the main page Also it you facilitate work to people responsible for video calculation on the main page
7. Presence of a logo of JumpStyle-league in Video which will be given by organizers is obligatory.
8. Text presence in the beginning of your video containing the information on the name of a battalion, a stage in which you participate, and also yours nick is obligatory.
9. It is forbidden to use imposing of all special effects of the video editor on dance which will be estimated. Use of a special effect of clarification of your video if it acted in film in the evening days is authorized only. Be not overzealous, that your dance could be estimated. It is obligatory to dance in footwear. It is forbidden to use references to the various resources which are not concerning given league. Advertizing is forbidden. Also it is impossible to accelerate video or the tracks used in a roller. It is impossible to stretch video across on a vertical. Non-observance of rules on processing will be eliminate.
ps All in item 9 concerns that part of your video which dance will be estimated by judges, that is. On all the rest that doesn't concern estimated dance to impose effects it is possible.
10. Use of the music (tracks) specified by organizers or those tracks which you have discussed in advance with your opponent is obligatory. It is not necessary to dance longer on time, than track "butt" that it was not necessary to increase its duration lasts. Don't forget that we arrange not music under dance, and dance under music. Otherwise the estimation by criterion «feeling of music» will be lowered.
11. At will, In video end: (thanks for viewing, greetings to friends, teachers, organizers of the league, to a favourite pet, the sun, a wind, snow, a pillow
12. Use in a clip of those dances which have already been used in other videoclips prior to the beginning of the given stage is forbidden.
All given rules should be executed in the JumpStyle-leagues specified in the general rules terms. Observance of all given rules, differently your video is obligatory will be removed from voting, and you will be excluded from league. To watch observance of rules there will be participants of league, and also organizing and judicial structures. The decision concerning an exception of the participant who has broken given rules, is accepted by organizers of league.
At each stage of any of JumpStyle-league battalions the system of processing of video, and also the general rules changes. Participants have additional possibilities at video processing. Here they:
At a group stage
1. In a video file there should be only one dance under one track specified by organizers of league in a special theme.
2. At a group stage it is possible to use totally no more than 30 seconds on intro and otro in a clip (not including time which has been taken away for a logo of league).
That is if your dance lasts 30 seconds, and a logo — 4 seconds duration of a roller can't exceed 30 + 30 + 4 = 64 seconds.
You can use any effects of the video editor with pieces of video which will enter into your clip, but aren't dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At following stages up to 1/4 final inclusive (a knockout to system):
1. In a video file should be only two dances under two different tracks, stipulated by you and your opponent in the given stage in advance.
2. Throughout these stages it is possible to use totally no more than 40 seconds on intro and otro in a clip (not including time which has been taken away for a logo of league).
That is if your first dance lasts 30 seconds, the second — 40 seconds, logo — 4 seconds duration of a roller can't exceed 30 + 40 + 40 + 4 = 114 seconds.
You can use any effects of the video editor with pieces of video which will enter into your clip, but aren't dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At a stage 1/2 final:
Rules same, as well as at the previous stages of knockout-system except that the greatest possible total time for intro and otro will be increased till 60 seconds.
The ending:
1. In a video file should be only three dances under three different tracks, stipulated by you and your opponent in the given stage in advance.
2. Conditions of processing of a clip discussed between contenders and organizers of league.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10914
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Junior JumpStyler
Сообщений: 33
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How can have an International Jumpstyle league, when thay can't english. I don't understand nothing here man.
JumpingMathii - Mathias Eis
MSN: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
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Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10926
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Fresh JumpStyler
Сообщений: 27
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Um ill try and post a condensed version of each rule for u mathii if these don't make sense feel free to im me or whatever ……if there is anything wrong w/ any of these, admins please feel free to correct me:
1) For each round post ur main video (the one u want people to see) on youtube/any online video site
2+3) post another copy of ur edited video as well as an un-edited copy of ur video on an uploading site such as so that the judges, in case of a dispute (i.e. fast-forwarding), can easily check between the two videos.
4) When u r titling ur video on youtube (or w/e site ur using) the format should be as follows: World JumpStyle League | | club219186 (um admins could u explain this for me?) | Jumpingisnotacrime (and this one) | LEAGUE_NAME (so in this case it would be "SoloJumpStyle League") | MATCH (i.e. Group 1 or Mathii vs. cbb692 )………after these u can use up to 4 other tags in ur title.
5) For each stage u make a new post in the forums on this website with the links to ur locations for #1,2, and 3. This way people can find ur stuff more easily.
6) For each video create a new post in the forums (Forum ->Jumpstyle Movies-> Solo Movies) which has your video embedded in it.
7) U have to put in the logo that is provided for us by the website at the beginning as part of the intro.
8) u have to put in the league name, the stage ur in, and ur nickname as text in the video.
9) For parts of ur video that will be judged, u cannot use effects unless it is to make a night scene visible. U have to dance in shoes. U cant advertise for companies. no making videos faster. Not following rules gets u disqualified.
10) U have to dance to the track u and ur opponent or the admins agree on. Try to avoid going past the main part of a track. Remember that we dance to music, not dance and set the music to it. Doing this might result in a loss of points for the category "feeling of music".
11) at the end of a video u can post a thing saying thanks to whoever.
12) U cant reuse clips from b4 a given stage. If u break rules ur video might be removed from voting. ur video will be checked by a committee made up of judges and admins. these are also the people who grant exceptions to rule breakers.
13) Rules for individual stages
13a) Group stages: One jump to one track per video. Ur intro and outro can't be more than 30 seconds combined. If ur dance is 30 seconds, plus the 30 second intro/outro, plus 4 seconds for the logo clip, ur video should be about a minute and 4 seconds.
13b) Battle stages up to the quarter-finals: 2 jumps for 2 tracks (tracks determined by u and ur opponent). u get 40 seconds now for intro and outro. If ur first dance is say 30 seconds, ur second dance is 40 seconds, ur intro/outro is 40 seconds, and ur logo is 4 seconds, u should clock in at just under 2 minutes.
13c) The semi-final: Everything is the same as 13b except that u get 60 seconds for intro/outro.
13d) The final: U get 3 jumps for 3 tracks as chosen by the opponents. All other rules for making the video are to be discussed between the opponents and the admins.
Hope this all helps mathii ^_^ and once again don't take this as final word until the admins say this is right but hopefully this helps to clarify things
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10949
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Junior JumpStyler
Сообщений: 33
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I know your all try the best you can. But google translate si just not good enough. You can have this BIG league going with Google Translate...
Take English part in school, and learn it instead of using Google (shitty) translate.
JumpingMathii - Mathias Eis
MSN: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10951
Good your going to do something about it, heard from other jumpers, that they don't understand a shit, talked with some guys from France and Denmark. no one seemed to understand.
So good, your going to fix it. Thanks.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #10999
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JumpStyle Noob
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1. The official logo of league should be shown in the first 5 seconds of a clip.
2. In the movie beginning should be placed nicknames and the stage name.
3. Upload NOT processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
4. Upload processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
5. Upload Movie on YouTube.
6. Necessarily inform in specially created theme for a stage All references created by you (3, 4, 5).
You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
Names of movies and tags to them on YouTube.
The movie name should look so:
Nickname | The League Name |
Michael | World JumpStyle League | JUMPSTYLERS.RU
Tags should look so:
World JumpStyle League,, club219186, Jumpingisnotacrime, FreeStyle, Michael + tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4
1. Only one dance, only one track . You can see tracks in a special topic - "MUSIC!
2. Maximum Time Movie = 2 х (Time of your dance which you give on estimation to judges of league)+5(logo). If your main dance lasts 30 seconds, so movie should not exceed 60+5=60 seconds. If your main dance lasts 40 seconds, so movie should not exceed 80+5=85 seconds. And so on. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
At following stages up to 1/4-Final inclusive:
1. Only two dances, only 2 tracks.
2. Maximum Time Movie = 2 х (Total Time of your dances which you give on estimation to judges of league)+5. If your first dance lasts 30 seconds, second dance lasts 20 seconds, so movie should not exceed 105 seconds. = (30+20)*2+5(logo)= 105 Seconds. You can use any effects of the video editor with video pieces, except dance which will be necessary for estimating.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #11172
Не в сети
Fresh JumpStyler
Сообщений: 5
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"3. Upload NOT processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on).
4. Upload processed in the video editor movies on Upload-Ressource ( or or and so on)."
I dont understand this points :/
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #11196
Не в сети
Fresh JumpStyler
Сообщений: 13
Репутация: 0
i've got a question, about solos:
i've heard, that we must have only one solo, but about 30 seconds? is that true? only one solo, not 2?
so movie will look like this: intro of league(5 seconds), our own intro(not longer then solo), and solo?
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #11197
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Fresh JumpStyler
Сообщений: 13
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and likie baski said:
movie without making on zippyshare, movie maked on zippyshare, and movie maked on youtube?
now only waiting for groups
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Movie Editing (English)
14 года 5 мес. назад #11202
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JumpStyle Noob
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stigu666 пишет:
i've got a question, about solos:
i've heard, that we must have only one solo, but about 30 seconds? is that true? only one solo, not 2?
so movie will look like this: intro of league(5 seconds), our own intro(not longer then solo), and solo?
For example: if you dance which you give on estimation to judges of league ~23 seconds
Intro (5s), 12 seconds porno, 23 seconds your dance, 11 seconds porno. OK?
Or Intro (5s), 6 seconds some cool moments, 23 seconds your dance, 17 seconds some cool moments.
При использовании любых материалов с сайта JumpStylers.Ru указание ссылки на материал и ее автора обязательно. Contact Person: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Kostrov Yaroslav Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru