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ТЕМА: System of tournament and ballot

System of tournament and ballot 14 года 5 мес. назад #1377

  • ^CJ^
  • ^CJ^ аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 282
  • Репутация: 3
System of tournament and ballot:

TThe ballot is carried out after the end of the requests submission.
Primarily there is a participants “distribution” into the “baskets”. The whole system of ballot is found on a random choice. It excludes possibility of the pares manipulation. The ballot is carried out by JumpStyle-League organizers.
2 Leagues are established in new season. One of them is the main JumpStyle-League (WJL). Another one is training JumpStyle-League (RJL) for new jumpstylers generation, for those who wants to increase its skill in struggle and competition, for those who fell out of the main JumpStyle-League, but consider that he can show his skill to everybody by the continuation of the participation at the second League.
Therefore it was decided to add an interesting system. The participants, who couldn’t pass the certain level in the main JumpStyle-League, have a right to make a statement to the second League for the next level.
By that You receive possibility to train and compete with other participants (there is no need to wait the next League) and increase Your skill by making video clips permanently in second League. It’s a great opportunity for the trainings and increasing of Your skill!
Thus way, You may join to the participants who passed the same group stage in the second League and continue the competitions, if You haven’t passed the group stage in the present League. Such opportunity is already absent on completing of the first stage of the knock-out system. In such a manner the stage system of the second League will be permanently edited.

P.S.: only Russian jumpstylers have a right to make a statement to the second League.

The requests submission system:

There is no any question of choice of the division participation, cause the division dividing is absent in the main League now. The participant can make a statement only to the one of the divisions of the Russian Jumpstyle League (SideJump or HardFreestyle) within two days, handing in the request to the special theme, if the participant fell out from the group stage of the main League or from the first stage of the knock-out system. The nonobservance of the present rules threatens the disqualification out of this JumpStyle-League and prohibits the participation in the next League.

Translated by J-Gabbersha
Артюхин Дмитрий
SeeJumpen - Skype
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

System of tournament and ballot 14 года 5 мес. назад #10695

  • ^CJ^
  • ^CJ^ аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 282
  • Репутация: 3
System of tournament and ballot:

TThe ballot is carried out after the end of the requests submission.
Primarily there is a participants “distribution” into the “baskets”. The whole system of ballot is found on a random choice. It excludes possibility of the pares manipulation. The ballot is carried out by JumpStyle-League organizers.
2 Leagues are established in new season. One of them is the main JumpStyle-League (WJL). Another one is training JumpStyle-League (RJL) for new jumpstylers generation, for those who wants to increase its skill in struggle and competition, for those who fell out of the main JumpStyle-League, but consider that he can show his skill to everybody by the continuation of the participation at the second League.
Therefore it was decided to add an interesting system. The participants, who couldn’t pass the certain level in the main JumpStyle-League, have a right to make a statement to the second League for the next level.
By that You receive possibility to train and compete with other participants (there is no need to wait the next League) and increase Your skill by making video clips permanently in second League. It’s a great opportunity for the trainings and increasing of Your skill!
Thus way, You may join to the participants who passed the same group stage in the second League and continue the competitions, if You haven’t passed the group stage in the present League. Such opportunity is already absent on completing of the first stage of the knock-out system. In such a manner the stage system of the second League will be permanently edited.

P.S.: only Russian jumpstylers have a right to make a statement to the second League.

The requests submission system:

There is no any question of choice of the division participation, cause the division dividing is absent in the main League now. The participant can make a statement only to the one of the divisions of the Russian Jumpstyle League (SideJump or HardFreestyle) within two days, handing in the request to the special theme, if the participant fell out from the group stage of the main League or from the first stage of the knock-out system. The nonobservance of the present rules threatens the disqualification out of this JumpStyle-League and prohibits the participation in the next League.

Translated by J-Gabbersha
Артюхин Дмитрий
SeeJumpen - Skype
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
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