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ТЕМА: WJL Nominations

WJL Nominations 14 года 5 мес. назад #1378

  • ^CJ^
  • ^CJ^ аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 282
  • Репутация: 3
WJL Nominations

Information briefing
Over a number of years we wanted to add new nominations besides the nomination «championship». So, it will be in WJL. Therefore the participants will have no obligation to reach the final in an effort to achieve place in one or another nomination. The participants will have a new impetus in this League now. The list of nominations is following:

<<WJL solo Champion>>
The winner of WJL becomes WJL solo Champion and his name is included into the prize list of all leagues ever organized by Jumpstyle.ru.

<<Self-stage manager>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, who will edit his clip the best way possible. But it’s forbidden to apply effects on the self dance!!! Show Your fantasy in those clip’s sections You have a right to apply effects or editing on.

<<The best music imitation>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, who will imitate all kicks, moments and so on in his dance according to the track, chosen by organizers or participants.

<<League’s breakthrough>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, whose development of own dance and “style” will be clearly shown and expressed from stage to stage in WJL. The certain participant may be not a finalist or a semifinalist of the League, he may be any one.

P.S.: the judges choose the winner in the first nomination. The League organizers or the referees committee of the present League choose the winners in the rest nominations. The League organizers have a right to change or add the nominations described above.

Translated by J-Gabbersha
Артюхин Дмитрий
SeeJumpen - Skype
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

WJL Nominations 14 года 5 мес. назад #10696

  • ^CJ^
  • ^CJ^ аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 282
  • Репутация: 3
WJL Nominations

Information briefing
Over a number of years we wanted to add new nominations besides the nomination «championship». So, it will be in WJL. Therefore the participants will have no obligation to reach the final in an effort to achieve place in one or another nomination. The participants will have a new impetus in this League now. The list of nominations is following:

<<WJL solo Champion>>
The winner of WJL becomes WJL solo Champion and his name is included into the prize list of all leagues ever organized by Jumpstyle.ru.

<<Self-stage manager>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, who will edit his clip the best way possible. But it’s forbidden to apply effects on the self dance!!! Show Your fantasy in those clip’s sections You have a right to apply effects or editing on.

<<The best music imitation>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, who will imitate all kicks, moments and so on in his dance according to the track, chosen by organizers or participants.

<<League’s breakthrough>>
That participant will win in the present nomination, whose development of own dance and “style” will be clearly shown and expressed from stage to stage in WJL. The certain participant may be not a finalist or a semifinalist of the League, he may be any one.

P.S.: the judges choose the winner in the first nomination. The League organizers or the referees committee of the present League choose the winners in the rest nominations. The League organizers have a right to change or add the nominations described above.

Translated by J-Gabbersha
Артюхин Дмитрий
SeeJumpen - Skype
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
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