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ISJL rules of International Summer JumpStyle League 2011

ТЕМА: Criterions

Criterions 13 года 11 мес. назад #14043

  • O*Neill
  • O*Neill аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Silver JumpStyler
  • Сообщений: 395
  • Спасибо получено: 33
  • Репутация: 32
The basic choice criterions of the participants, passing through the next JumpStyle-League levels:

Neither edit nor other factors must be rated, except the dance itself. The basic choice criterions are the same for all the participants, cause the division is only one. The “criterions hierarchy” for the winner choice is below.

The basic choice criterions of the participants, passing through the next level in the present division are:

1) the performance science of elements and connections in dance

(the most important and fundamental criterion, cause it determines the jumpstyler skill to the utmost)

2) the music sense in the track chosen by You or by the founders

(is very important criterion, including the bpm synchronization, the chosen track representation in own dance and other interesting moments of demonstration of the track chosen. According to the present criterion the dancer shouldn’t dance more than the basskick duration, cause we conform dance under the music, and not the other way around. We ought to pay more attention to this matter and accentuate on it in this League, therefore the present criterion comes next point during the clips rating)

3) Elements variety and quantity, involved in dance

4) Program complexity

5) Dance performance aggression

6) The performance science of dance

7) The presence of the new interesting elements or Your own connections in dance

8) The total time of dance (this criterion is relegated to the background what with certain changes in rate criterions of the participants’ dance. Nevertheless, it can’t be disregarded at all)

Some changes in League may be. In this way, all participants of the League will be informed about them. Such changes may be added during whole League at any time.

Judge personnel:
1 Noise
2 Focus
3 Suf
4 Greg
5 Jagr
6 Slash

!!! Judge list is edited, some changes may be!!!

P.S.: Judges on the sectional and knock-out stages are established by founders of the League. Judges jury those, who were established by founders of the League.

Obligations of the judges :
Abidance by rules
Honest refereeing
Judge verdict submission at the stated time


Respect from O'Neill
O'Neill - Кондрашев Роман
ICQ - 58 156 72 31

O'Neill - Winner RJSL'11 | HardFreeStyle

Последнее редактирование: 13 года 11 мес. назад от O*Neill.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Работает на Kunena форум


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Contact Person: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Kostrov Yaroslav
Phone: +7-911-156-65-50 и Web: JumpStylers.Ru

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